2018 MALI Mega-Regional Conference
The Maine Arts Leadership Initiative will provide a Mega-regional conference at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School in South Paris, Maine on Friday, March 15, 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. All educators, PK-higher education are invited to participate in this professional development opportunity in arts education. Workshop facilitators are Maine Arts Leadership Initiative (MALI) teacher leaders and teaching artist leaders from all eight phases of MALI. These educators are providing dynamic work that they've been engaged with themselves, some for many years.
Below are the descriptions for the workshops being offered. Choose three workshops, one for each of the three scheduled sessions.
Register for the 2018 Mega-Regional Workshop.
Date and Location
Friday, March 15, 2019, Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School, South Paris
- 8:30 a.m. Registration begins
- 9:00 a.m. Opening
- 9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Breakout Session I
- 10:30 a.m. - 10:40 a.m. Break
- 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Breakout Session II
- 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. Lunch, participants on their own
- 12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Artist Showcase
- 1:50 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Breakout Session III
- 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Closing
Contact hours
5.5 contact hours will be provided to those participating in the full day of the MALI Mega-regional conference at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School.
SESSION I 9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Choose One
Bookmaking 101: summative assessment never looked so good!

Cindi Kugell Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School Visual Arts
Rhythm & Counting

Kyle Jordan Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School Music
The Arts and Emotional Intelligence
Looking at ideas on emotional intelligence and leadership collected by Daniel Goleman we will identify the core elements of emotional intelligence and compare them with habits and skills practiced in the creative process. Be ready to create, journal and discuss ideas together on creativity, the arts and emotional intelligence. All grade levels and all content
Lindsay Pinchbeck Director of Sweet Tree Arts and Founder of Sweetland School
Flexible Grouping Strategies for the General Music Classroom
It is the age of customized education and differentiated instruction. Chances are, your building administrators are looking for observable evidence of this in your teaching practice. Time constraints and scheduling difficulties can make customized learning a challenge to implement in the general music setting. In this workshop, we will discuss the benefits of flexible grouping strategies, and how to use them to your advantage. Grades PK-12 General Music
Dorie Tripp Manchester and Readfield Elementary Schools, Music K-5
Tableaus of Courage: How to Help Students Engage with Complex Content through Theater

Catherine Anderson Portland Ovations Offstage Director
SESSION II 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Choose One
Stars and Stairs
Stars and Stairs, Where am I now and where am I going? How can the use of Stars and Stairs in your classroom help to inform you and your students of their learning progression and actively engage them in the learning process? This will be a round table discussion. Looking at your standards and your curriculum how can you use the Stars and Stairs model in your classroom. All grade levels and all content
Samantha Armstrong Paris Elementary School and Agnes Gray School, Grade K-6, Visual Arts
Everyone seems to agree that we need more creativity in education, but just what is creativity, and how can we possibly teach it? This workshop will answer both those questions (gasp...) With one foot planted in neuroscience, and the other dangling in the depths of the subconscious, we will conduct transformative activities (visual arts based) designed to enhance the “brainsets” that contribute to creative states of mind. Grades 7-12
Phil Hammett Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School Visual Arts
Improvisation Crusader: Improvisation as an Essential Musical Skill
Improvisation is commonly viewed as a specialty skill, and one that you either have or don't. This presentation makes the case for improvisation as an essential skill, a naturally growth-minded learning tool, and an additional resource to address any number of Maine Learning Results, and to engage students and give them more ownership over their musical voice. This will be heavily participatory, exploring simple methods to more advanced, and using multiple musical languages/genres. All grade levels
Tom Luther Midcoast Music Academy, Piano, Digital Music, Music Composition Specialist, Teaching Artist, former Art Educator
Inspiring Environmental Stewardship Through the Visual Arts
Art can propel the next generation of leaders to make a personal connection to real world issues. In this workshop participants will explore strategies for helping young people forge a deep and personal connection between the environment and themselves. If our students are to have the courage to address the environmental challenges we face today, they must believe in the power of their ideas and know that they can create something tangible from them. Participants will make art that crosses subject matter boundaries and explore ways to design original curriculum that leads to action. Elementary and Middle Levels and Visual Arts
Nancy Harris Frohlich, Founder and Director, LEAPS of IMAGINATION
Integrating Curriculum: Making it Happen at the High School Level
Come join a conversation, share thoughts, and cultivate ideas regarding the challenge of integrated curriculum work at the high school level. How can finding commonalities between subject areas motivate student learning, provide hands on experience with cross curricular connections, as well as benefit the educator as they become more proficient in the language of other disciplines? High School
Lori Spruce Brewer High School Visual Arts and Tim Christensen, Teaching Artist
SESSION III 1:50 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Choose One
Looking in the Mirror: The Importance of Student Self-Reflection
Self-reflection is a crucial part in the cycle of learning for both student and teacher. With regular self-reflection integrated in your classroom, students will become more aware, dig deeper, and take ownership of their learning. This applies to us as teachers. We will also discuss the importance of documentation and strategies of reflection upon our own teaching. Information gathered about student growth, understanding, and feedback on units/lessons will not only be beneficial for the development of a curriculum, but also in providing evidence for teacher evaluations. All grade levels and all content
Mandi Mitchell Hermon High School Visual Arts
Bridging Adolescence: A River Runs Through Us - Composing our Story
This workshop documents the progression of a year-long chorus project in which 7th and 8th grade students composed lyrics and music for an original performance piece. The project developed a model of integrated arts programming, including extensive literacy integration through working with a guest poet-in-residence for several weeks. The project also tied in hands-on classwork, a field experience, a connection with a wider community project, video diaries, peer critique, and of course music composition and performance skills. The workshop will give participants a hand-on experience of our project, as well as tools to create their own. All grade levels
Brian Evans-Jones Poet and Teaching Artist and Kris Bisson Marshwood Middle School Music and Chorus
All Aboard for Arts Travel, Full STEAM Ahead!
Interested in transforming your school into a STEAM based model? This workshop will include the benefits of STEAM for students, some sample STEAM lessons, and a suggested action plan for incorporating a STEAM approach into your school. Upper Elementary
Jenni Null Songo Locks Elementary Music K-6 and District Fine Arts Coodinator and Linda McVety Songo Locks Elementary Music K-5
Teaching Aesthetics and Criticism: Approaches to Standard D
How do we teach aesthetics and criticism in our Visual and Performing Arts classes? How do teachers design learning experiences for Maine Learning Results Standard D? In this interactive workshop teachers will experience methods for teaching aesthetics and criticism in grades 7-12 arts classroom. Sample lessons that teach forms of artistic interpretation to students will be shared as well as methods for critique. The workshop is geared toward supporting the teaching and assessment of Maine Learning Results Standard D. During the second part of the workshop participants will be encouraged to share their own approaches. Participants will leave with tools that they can immediately use in their classes. Grades 7-12, adaptable for all grade levels
Bronwyn Sale Bates College, former 7-12 Visual Arts teacher
Creativity and Taking Back the Classroom
This will be a fun and informative program with practical involvement by all. All participants will have ideas to take back to the classroom and hopefully a reinvigorated perspective on their teaching with a theater focus. All grade levels
Andrew Harris Lecturer and Chair of Theatre, USM Department of Theatre
Registration - 2019 Mega Oxford Hills
- Credit Card through Eventbrite
- Check made payable to ArtsEngageME and mailed to 25 State House Station, 193 State Street, Augusta, ME 04333, Attention: Argy Nestor
- Purchase Order (email Christina deGroff at moc.liamg@7102noitacudecam for instructions)
Previous Year Mega-regional workshops
View the archived Mega-Regional Workshop descriptions from 2016-2017 here. To view the archived Mega-Regional Workshop descriptions from 2015-2016 please click here.
Program Contact Information
For information about any of the Maine Arts Commission’s arts education funding opportunities or programs, please contact Argy Nestor at 207/287-2713 or by email at .vog.eniam@rotsen.ygra