2016-17 Mega-Regional Conferences
The Mega-regional conferences will take place in five locations to provide all-day professional development opportunities in arts education. The registration fee for attending is $25 per person and 5.5 contact hours are available for full-day participation. The facilitators are the Maine Arts Leadership Initiative (MALI) teacher leaders from all six years and Maine Learning Technology Initiative Apple Learning Specialists.
Dates and Locations
Monday, November 21, 2016 Ellsworth High School
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 USM, Portland
Thursday, February 2, 2017 UMaine, Orono (CANCELLED)
Friday, March 17, 2017 Hebron Station School, Hebron
Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Easton Schools, Aroostook County
Wednesday, April 26, 2017 UMaine, Orono
All Mega-regional conferences will take place between 8:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
- 8:30 a.m. Registration begins
- 9:00 a.m. Opening and Morning Sessions
- 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. Breakout Session I
- 10:30 - 10:40 a.m. Break
- 10:40 - 11:55 a.m. Breakout Session II
- 11:55 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Lunch, participants on their own
- 12:45 - 1:20 p.m. Artist Showcase
- 1:25 - 2:40 p.m. Session III Maine Arts Education Census Survey
- 2:40 - 3:00 p.m. Closing
Session III: Maine Arts Education Census: More Power to You, but Be Careful!
The census survey is a specific strategy to answer questions about the capacity of our state to support and deliver high quality instruction in visual and performing arts to preK-12 students in Maine. The census survey is also a tool to help guide policy about public education in the arts for the next 8-10 years. The challenge for the many arts educators and citizens with interests and passion for the arts is to render an accurate and informed interpretation of the survey results, and to communicate the census survey results to as many audiences as possible.
Quantification is not truth! Just having a survey with numbers, percentages, and visual displays does not mean that there are no questions. We want to know what the data says, but remember that data is a human endeavor in which we try to emphasize objectivity by writing clear, concise survey questions and items (prompts). This session will help explore the strengths and weaknesses of the census survey, and provide you with practice in ways to select data, create visuals and tell stories about the census survey at the state, regional and local level.
Closing 2:45 - 3:00 p.m.
Contact hours
5.5 contact hours will be provided at the completion of all three sessions at each Mega-regional conference.
Ellsworth High School
Where are your Art Standards within the Studio Habits of Mind!
This workshop will explore the National Visual Art Standards and how they co-exist with the Studio Habits of Mind. The NVAS are written for pre-K through high school. There are many ways to align these standards with the SHOM that already exist in your classrooms! I will share ways that work for me in my K-8 art classroom. Grades K-8
Jane Snider Hancock Grammar School Visual Arts
Ellsworth High School VPA Academy
This session will be an overview of the Ellsworth HIgh School Visual/Performing Arts Academy. The program is in its fourth year and graduated 8 students in 2016. Currently there are approximately 25 students in the program grades 10-12. We will review how the program came into being, the nuts and bolts of how it works, view samples of student work from last year’s capstone and internship projects and you will get to meet some students currently in the program. You will get to interview the students as well as be supplied with samples of our documents and a Q&A session. Grades 9-12
Learn how teaching using multiple intelligence can be a way to unlock learning goals for students with disabilities. All grade levels. All content.
Brigid Rankowski Teaching Artist
More Cowbell
Playing and composing songs on your own is a blast for some, however there's something special about making music in collaboration with other like-minded folks that just can't be beat. In this hands-on, music making session, participants will use GarageBand to learn the basics of song writing and music production. Participants will have plenty of time to explore and experience the fun of collaborative music creation. Musicians of any and all skill levels are welcome. Make sure to bring your Mac and/or iOS device with GarageBand installed. All grade levels. Grades K-12
Tim Hart MLTI Apple Learning Specialist
Illustrating to Write
One creation lends a hand to the other. Illustration is a part of many great stories, extending the ability of ideas to be shared, and increasing enjoyment and comprehension on the part of the reader. Apple technology provides many possibilities for creating illustrations, making drawing and visual images a part of the overall literacy experience. Learn how to use your MacBook Air to draw and paint creative illustrations in this "hands on session". Bring your MacBook Air with Acorn installed (included with your MLTI participation). Grades K-12
Ann Marie Quirion Hutton MLTI Apple Learning Specialist, former Art Educator
In the summer of 2015 the Waterville Senior High School music faculty developed a portfolio. The portfolio has been the piece that guides our work on four school wide initiatives from teacher evaluation to Proficiency Based Education. Participants will receive the portfolio and accompanying rubrics. Grades K-12
Sue Barre Waterville Junior and Senior High School Music
Google offers numerous educator tools within it’s web browser and multiple apps, encouraging exploration and adaptation to almost any teaching style. While Google Classroom has caught on with many educators, this workshop will demonstrate the direct use of not only the Chrome web browser, but also Google Drive, Communities, and Google Draw. As important elements in a structure of collaboration and information sharing and gathering, the endgame of this workshop is that learners can and will produce a summative electronic portfolio in the form of what can be a ubiquitous .PDF file! Grades 7-12, Adaptable for K-6
Charlie Johnson Mount Desert Island High School Visual Arts Digital Arts Media/Photography
A combination of sketching and traditional note taking results in rich educational documents to support learning. Studies show that sketching leads to better retention of information and helps clarify ideas. Sketching is one of our original forms of communication. Visualizing ideas is a great way to learn. Why not bring this creative form of learning into your classroom? Explore how visual notes support learning. Discover techniques to create, share and integrate visual notes into your instructional practice. Visual notetaking, often called sketch noting, uses two parts of your brain, which is referred to as Dual Coding Theory. This has been found to improve learning. Research has shown that people who doodle while listening retain 29% more information (Andrade, 2009). Join this hands-on session and start sketching your notes today. Please bring your updated MLTI iPad, if available, with Notability installed. Arts supplies will also be available. Grades K-12
Ann Marie Quirion Hutton MLTI Apple Learning Specialist, former Art Educator
Beginning with early Atari and Nintendo video games, the 8-bit aesthetic has been a part of our culture for over 30 years. No longer just nostalgia art, contemporary 8-bit artists and chiptunes musicians have elevated the form to new levels of creativity and cultural reflection. In this session, we will focus on tools that assist in creating 8-bit images, animations, and music. Please bring your MLTI MacBook. Grades K-12
Tim Hart MLTI Apple Learning Specialist
Self-assessment is a crucial part of learning. In the arts, it is easy for us to see a concrete product of their learning and understanding of a topic. We don't always see student learning that happens beneath the surface unless it is verbally or orally communicated. With regular self-assessment integrated in your classroom, students become more aware and take ownership of their learning. All grade levels. All content.
Mandi Mitchell Hermon High School Visual Art
Previous Year Mega-regional workshops
To view the archived Mega-regional workshop descriptions from 2014-2015 please click here. To view the archived Mega-regional workshop descriptions from 2013-2014 please click here.
Program Contact Information
For information about any of the Maine Arts Commission’s arts in education funding opportunities or programs, please contact Argy Nestor at 207/ 287-2713 or by email at .vog.eniam@rotsen.ygra