![Arts Jobs Grant for Organizations header image](/CMSContent/arts_images/Maine%20Arts%20Header%20Images/ARPA%20Jobs%20Grant%20Organizations.jpg)
Deadline: November 18, 2021Award Amount: $2,500 - $15,000Required Match: 1 to 1Award Cycle: December 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022The Arts Jobs Grant uses American Rescue Plan Act funds to support organizations in job creation, employee retention, and artist commissioning. Organizations can use this grant towards salary support (full or partial) for one or more staff positions, and fees (commissions for artists, and/or contractual personnel) to support services for specific activities in support of your organization’s general operations. Non-arts organizations are welcome to apply as long as they are able to connect their mission to the purpose of this grant, which is to support the creative workforce and develop opportunities for Maine artists and/or arts organizations. Please note that funding for artist or contractual personnel cannot be used for a new or special project and must align with the established activities of the applicant. (PDF of Guidelines)
If you have general questions about the Grant/Application Process? Access the Grants FAQ)
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Agency staff are always here as a resource for you. We recommend contacting the correct staff person a minimum of two-weeks prior to submitting your application.
Specific Questions - Executive Director, David Greenham
Grant information is available in large print format by request. All Maine Arts Commission programs are accessible to people with disabilities. All programs funded by the Maine Arts Commission must also be accessible. Please direct questions about agency accessibility and accommodation to Kerstin Gilg, at vog.eniam@glig.nitsrek or 207-287-6719