Grants Help
Help information on this page will assist you navigate the application process. Information is organized into categories of preparing your application, completing your application, award management, forms, and Maine Arts Commission Logo and Credit Line. Information about specific grants can be found in the individual grant website pages. General information and an overview of all grant programs can be found on the Overview Page and 'cluster' pages have information for Artist Grants, Organization Grants and Education Grants. All grant applications must be made through the online Grants Management System (GMS).
When considering applying for a Maine Arts Commission Grant, please make sure that you will have enough time to prepare all of your application materials before the deadline date. You should also be confident that your proposal aligns with the goals of the funding and that you understand the criteria by which your application will be evaluated. The application process can sometimes be time-consuming and it is recommended that you prepare your narrative responses, edit the content, and ensure character counts are within limits, prior to logging on to the GMS. This will allow you to simply copy and paste your information into the appropriate fields of the grant application.
Agency staff are always here as a resource for you. We recommend contacting the appropriate staff person a minimum of two-weeks prior to submitting your application. Additional resources that may help are:
The application submission process opens in January, however, you can prepare your materials offline before this date.
All grant applications must be made through the online Grants Management System (GMS). When using the system, please note that there is a log-out feature that becomes active after 90 minutes of idle time. Please be aware of the application field character limits (which include spaces), and the fact that you can edit your application at any time prior to the deadline as long as you have not selected the final Submit Application button.
To access the GMS (or create an account) you must go to Additional resources that may help are:
Applications are reviewed by panels of public members who are selected for their expertise. All grant recommendations are presented to Maine Arts Commission members who approve the review process, making the awards official. All applicants are notified on whether their application was approved or declined as soon as this process is complete. The review process and delivery of funds may take up to six months.
If your application was approved for funding you will need to complete some paperwork. You will also need to be prepared to highlight the agency support for project and complete a Final report when the project concludes. Additional resources that may help ar
Sometimes forms are required in applying for a grant or managing a grant award. The Assurance Form is now integrated in the online application, but can also be accessed here. We strive for a paperless office, but some forms are better submitted through the mail or FAX, especially if they contain an individual's social security number.
Legislative Letter Template
Letter of Agreement Example
NEA Accessibility Checklist
Reviewer Stipend Form
Vendor Code Instructions
Vendor Code Form
W9 Form
If you are able, please notify your state legislators of your award. It is important for our public decision-makers to be aware of Maine Arts Commission funding for projects in their districts. We have provided a legislative letter template that can be personalized and sent to your local Legislators informing them of the receipt of your grant. In addition, we encourage you to invite your Legislators to your events and ask them to make comments or introduce the program. You can find their names and contact information at: and
Recipients of Maine Arts Commission funding must acknowledge the Maine Arts Commission. Recipients are required to acknowledge the agency’s support related to the awarded funding by using the agency logo and the following language: “Funded in part by a grant from the Maine Arts Commission, an independent state agency supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.” Please use the primary logo, if you can, when crediting the Maine Arts Commission.
Large - (PNG file) (EPS file)
Small - (PNG file) (EPS file)
Additional option: To be used when printing in black and white, for faxes, or when primary logo is not optimal
Black and White - (EPS file)
If you need to use the NEA logo, it can be found at:
Grant information is available in large print format by request. All Maine Arts Commission programs are accessible to people with disabilities. All programs funded by the Maine Arts Commission must also be accessible. Maine Arts Commision Enabling Legislation