The Maine Arts Commission relies on teams of reviewers to help make decisions around the funding of grants and fellowships. Materials in this section have been developed to assist reviewers in their work, but can be accessed by anyone interested in how Agency applications get evaluated.
Reviewers are selected based on their knowledge about the materials they will be reviewing, their ability to articulate their opinions about applications, their capability in evaluating applications in a fair and unbiased way, and their availability to attend a review discussion after properly familiarizing themselves with all application materials.
If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for the Maine Arts Commission, please complete a reviewer form. Letting us know your interest does not guarantee that we will be able to use your talents. However, you will be considered when review opportunities present themselves.
The Commission Board reviews the minutes and approves the process. Their approval releases funding to be allocated. Awards are not official until approval by the Commission Board.
Reviewers new to our Grants Management System should read the Grants Management System Help document.