During phase I, in the 2012-13 school year, of the Maine Arts Assessment Initiative (MAAI) (now known as Maine Arts Leadership Initiative) visual and performing arts educators asked “What do visual and performing arts classrooms look like in a standards-based environment?” That question came up over and over so the MAAI responded and during the 2012-13 school year created four videos that capture the ideas of students, teachers, and administrators.
During phase III, 2013-14 school year, three more videos were created to provide more information and resources on this important and relevant topic to help you meet the needs of students in your visual or performing arts classrooms.
MAAI has been fortunate to work with Debi Lynne Baker, creator of the videos. Debi taught visual art for many years, most recently K-12 in Greenville. She used technology in her teaching that included movie making with her students. With hours of footage taken at each school, Debi was able to produce seven unique videos, each under 20 minutes long, that tell a story. These videos will show that there is always more than one answer to a question.
The following MAAI videos are posted on the Maine ARTSEducation YouTube channel located at http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-lElK9bBU_o96Wrg-kNbeg
The four videos above are not the only resources available to you at the Maine ARTSEducation channel. Visit today and take advantage of many educational videos created by MAAI participants.