Veronica Women's Theatre

P.O. Box 7555, Portland, ME 04112-7555

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About the Artist

The performances of Veronica Women's Theatre inspire the soul, and bid us examine ourselves, our values, and our true convictions. In her book "The Way of Woman" Helen Luke writes, "?we do not see the feminine genius because it does not often come to expression in an art or science but is at its greatest in the sphere of relationship". Veronica Women's Theatre, a professional touring company of women ages 16-78, performs "The Princess, The Old Goddess and The King", an original work that is both a fairy tale and a mystery play. It tells the story of the wasteland restored by the courageous journey of the young feminine, a true metaphore for our time. With song both ancient and new, and with dance, mask and puppet, "The Princess, The Old Goddess and The King" reaches people's minds and imaginations to disrupt the assumption that war and territorial gain are what ultimately matters. "The Gateway Celebration Workshop" We are excited to offer an intergenerational workshop for girls and women to celebrate girls entering womanhood and to strengthen the feminine spirit in us all.

Category: Performing Group

Preferred Audiences: College, Adult

Disciplines: Theatre

Contact Information

Veronica Women's Theatre

P.O. Box 7555
Portland  ME  04112-7555 


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