Maine Squeeze Accordion Ensemble

53 Brackett Ave, Peaks Island, ME 04108-1225

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About the Artist

The Maine Squeeze provides foot-tapping, hand-clapping music from around the world to spice up any occasion. Perfect for festivals, parades, concerts, children''s programs, wedding, meetings, parties, sports events, etc. Repertoire includes popular tunes, sing-alongs, community dances, polkas, Zydeco, waltzes, French-Canadian, Polish, Irish, Italian, Jewish and more. Full group includes 5 accordions and one percussionist. Number of musicians and price negotiable. Great for schools and summer concert programs.

Category: Performing Group

Preferred Audiences: College, Adult

Disciplines: Painting

Contact Information

Maine Squeeze Accordion Ensemble

53 Brackett Ave
Peaks Island  ME  04108-1225 
