Craft Apprenticeship Program

2024 Craft Apprentice Program 2024 Maine Craft Apprenticeship Program

Application Period Opened: October 2, 2023

Deadline: December 8, 2023 (5:00 p.m.)  The deadline has passed for this Grant,
this page is for reference only. Guidelines will change for next Fiscal year.

Required Match: No matching funds are required

Grant Award: $4,000

Award Cycle: July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024


Detailed Overview Of Craft Apprenticeship Program


The Maine Craft Apprenticeship Program (CAP) is presented through a partnership of the Maine Arts Commission, Maine Craft Association, and the League of NH Craftsmen. CAP supports growth and resiliency in the craft sector by offering new skills, tools and management habits that help with the changing desires of craft consumers. It is seven-month customized education for artists who not only have a deep commitment to better their work but are also willing to develop a significant relationship with a Mentor Artist. This is not a "traditional" apprenticeship where inventory is produced for the Mentor Artist but instead focuses on accomplishing the Apprentice's desired professional goals. Pairs apply jointly with agreed goals, a plan for achievement, and a proposed budget for the Apprentice’s stipend. Grant awards are $3,000 for the Mentor Artist for their time and expertise and Apprentices get $1,000 for supplies and tools specific to this apprenticeship.


Program Objectives

  • Providing makers with relevant and alternative educational experiences.
  • Promoting craft as a viable career path.
  • Fostering deliberate mentoring.
  • Supplying paying jobs to artists.
  • Facilitating professional development of emerging makers.
  • Increasing the pool of craft makers in the state.
  • Providing makers with alternative professional funding.
  • Extending and endorsing peer learning in the craft community.


Training Location

Most of the training happens at the Mentor Artist’s studio. It can also include visits to other studios or events relevant to the goals. Although CAP provides a distinct structure, it also allows for flexibility to maximize the experience. The program requires the pair to submit interim and final reports.


The Exhibition

To close the program, all artists participate in a public exhibition as part of the Maine Craft Weekend in early October.


Alumni Network

Current program participants and CAP alumni convene annually during the exhibition to discuss outcomes of the program, as well as develop networking and foster further mentoring.

Eligibility Requirements


This program supports artists working in craft media, which does not include photography, painting or drawing.


 An applicant is eligible to apply if they meet the following criteria:

  • Mentor Artist and Apprentice have both resided full-time in Maine or New Hampshire for at least one year immediately prior to the application deadline.
  • Mentor Artist and Apprentice will both reside full-time in Maine or New Hampshire throughout the apprenticeship.
  • Mentor Artist and Apprentice demonstrate competency in an eligible craft art form.
  • Mentor Artist and Apprentice are at least 18 years of age or older by the application deadline.

Application Scoring


Grant applications are reviewed on a competitive basis using the following criteria:

  1. Significance of the goals discussed. (40%)
  2. Level of artistic design and technical abilities of the mentor. (30%)
  3. Skill and commitment of the apprentice. (25%)
  4. Clarity of the application. (5%)


Application Questions


These are the application questions to be completed in the GMS. All character counts include spaces.


  • Describe your studio practice including where you sell or exhibit your work. (Max: 500 characters)
  • To the best of your ability, assess the Apprentice’s potential and commitment. (Max: 500 characters)
  • How do you know one another? (Max: 500 characters)


  • Tell us how long you've been working in this craft and if you've had any previous instruction. (Max: 500 characters)
  • Where are you currently making and how much time are you able to dedicate to it? (Max: 500 characters)
  • What do you hope to accomplish with this apprenticeship experience? (Max: 500 characters)
  • Why do you want to work with this Mentor? (Max: 500 characters)
  • How will you continue working with this craft in the future? (Max: 500 characters)


  • Where will the teaching take place and what will your schedule look like? (Max: 500 characters)
  • Are there any distance, mobility, communication, technology, space, or schedule barriers of concern? How will you manage or how may we assist in helping with this? (Max: 300 characters)



CAP requires one-on-one training for 100 hours over seven months. List three goals that will advance the Apprentice's practice that can be taught in the 100 hours required.  

  • GOAL 1: Please give a brief description of the goal and provide estimated hours to accomplish it. (Max: 500 characters)
  • GOAL 2: Please give a brief description of the goal and provide estimated hours to accomplish it. (Max: 500 characters)
  • GOAL 3: Please give a brief description of the goal and provide estimated hours to accomplish it. (Max: 500 characters)



The Apprentice will receive $1,000 which must be spent during the apprenticeship and must directly relate to the goals and/or future studio practice. Items may include materials, equipment, books, tools, studio specific furnishings, etc. All purchased items become the property of the Apprentice. Funds may not be used for rent or ongoing existing overhead costs. Note: The Mentor Artist's funding is to compensate for their time and expertise, (do not submit a budget for these services).

  • Provide a list of 1-10 items with their cost equaling $1,000.(Max: 500 characters)


  • Any additional information you would like to share. (Max: 1,000 characters)

How to Apply


All applications and materials must be submitted using the online Grant Management System (GMS). If you are interested in applying, we encourage you to carefully review these details and call us with questions prior to beginning an application. It’s important to give yourself plenty of time to write a strong application, so be sure to start the process early!

  • Complete answers to all the applications questions listed above (REQUIRED)        
  • Five JPG images of the work of the Mentor Artist. (REQUIRED)
  • Five JPG images of the work of the Apprentice. (REQUIRED)
  • A brief bio of each. (OPTIONAL)

How to Apply

Applications are reviewed by a panel of Maine and New Hampshire professionals for a first- round elimination using scored criteria. The panel then interviews the finalist pairs together to decide on the 2024 program participants.

FINALISTS WILL BE INTERVIEWED ON:  January 17 or 18th, 2024.


2024 Maine Craft Apprenticeship Program Timeline


12/08/2023 - Application deadline

12/10/2023 – 12/31/2023 - Jurors review all applications

1/4/2024 - Notifications are sent to all applicants. Finalists are contacted to schedule interviews for January 17th & 18th (interview attendance is required to be considered for the program)

1/17/2024 - Finalist’s interviews on Zoom

1/18/2024 - Finalist’s interviews, day #2 (if needed for additional NH applicants)

1/19/2024 - Finalist contacted with results in preparation for public announcement

1/31/2024 - CAP 2024 participants are publicly announced

3/1/2024 - Apprenticeships begin

9/30/2024 - Apprenticeships end

10/4/2024 - CAP Alumni Gathering at Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts

10/4/2024 - Exhibition Opening Reception: Mentors + Apprentices: Work from Maine’s 2024 Craft Apprentice Program /// Capstone exhibition at Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts 

October TBD - Exhibition dates: Mentors + Apprentices: Work from Maine + New Hampshire’s Craft Apprentice Program /// Capstone exhibition at Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts


NOTE: The program requires the pair to submit interim and final reports. 

Ask for Help


For specific questions about the Maine Craft Apprenticeship


Whitney Gill, Executive Director of the Maine Crafts Association

Email: gro.stfarceniam@yentihw
Phone: 207-205-0791


Julie Horn, Assistant Director of the Maine Arts Commission

Email: vog.eniam@nroh.eiluJ
Phone: 207-287-2790



For specific questions about the New Hampshire Craft Apprenticeship


Miriam Carter, Executive Director of the League of NH Craftsmen

Email: gro.stfarchn@retracm
Phone: 603-224-3375 x119









The Information Symbol, A white question mark in a circle. Accessibility information Located here.

Grant information is available in large print format by request. If you require an alternate format, need assistance to access the guidelines or application, please contact Eli Cabañas, accessibility coordinator by email or at 207.287.6746. 

It is the policy of the Maine Arts Commission not to discriminate on the basis of disability, and the Commission is dedicated to making our programs accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities and assist individuals with disabilities in connecting them with resources for access to the arts. All programs funded by the Maine Arts Commission must also be accessible.