Maine Arts Internships is an online resource for artists and art students seeking relevant internship opportunities within Maine. The agency focuses on placing interns with the assumption that they will be seeking credit. However, all internship-seekers and arts-volunteers are welcome to use this service.
The Maine Arts Commission is an information resource to internship seekers and volunteers alike.
Students interested in interning should contact an organization directly through the information posted on the the Listings Page, or get more details about particular internship opportunities on the Full Posts Page.
Organizations or artist-mentors interested in recruiting interns can list an opportunity at this link, or post other (non-internship) opportunities in the Opportunities section.
Information for Interns
Internship opportunities are unique. Differences in expectations exist between different organizations, so a clear understanding should be reached between the intern and the organization before entering into a partnership. If an organization has not collaborated with a university in offering credit to interns, the student may need to manage additional paperwork to set up the partnership.
An internship provides an opportunity for students to:
- Gain professional experience
- Meet people in the field of their interest
- Reinforce their school work with practical application of knowledge
- Develop their skills
- Bolster their resume
- Gain insight into career paths of interest
- Participate in a personally rewarding activity
Some interns may be considered for paid positions within the organization. If an organization cannot hire their intern they will often recommend them for positions elsewhere.
A prospective intern should be an enthusiastic person who can demonstrate some knowledge in their field of interest. Interns are expected to adhere to standards and ethics of the host institution, obey all rules and regulations of the institution and maintain a regular work schedule. In addition to this, student interns will need to keep track of their time spent and tasks undertaken during the internship. This will help with reportage back to the sponsoring school.
Here are some good questions to ask when considering an internship opportunity:
- How much time do I have in my schedule to undertake an internship?
- What types of internships positions interest me and why?
- What kind of experience is needed in my career of interest?
- What are the important factors for me in evaluating internship opportunities?
Information for Organizations
Interns can give your organization a chance to complete special projects, allowyour organization to observe a prospective employee before hiring them, and can open your company to new perspectives and ideas. It is a good means of providing employees with support and a chance for them to allocate tasks effectively. The venture can also increase the visibility of your organization within the schools and communities of its region.
It is important to have a strategy before hiring an intern, so the experience will be rewarding for all parties. It is important to consider how the intern will fit within the organization and that the intern has a basic skill-set that will be useful. Competency with office software, writing, mathematics, research or social skills cannot be assumed. Interns may lack the experience and training of a traditional hire. It is wise to ask specific questions about abilities up-front to prevent future frustration.
Here are some good questions to ask when considering an internship applicant:
- Does your organization have management resources to effectively direct an intern?
- What types of tasks can be undertaken by an intern?
- Do you have any special projects that are intern appropriate?
- How flexible is the organization in time use?