Maine Arts Internships is an online resource for artists and art students seeking relevant internship opportunities within Maine. The agency focuses on placing college interns with the assumption that they will be seeking credit. However, all internship-seekers are welcome to use this service.
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Maine Arts Commission
193 State Street SHS #25 Augusts Maine 04333
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities, full time and part time
Benefits: Experience, School Credit
To Apply: Please send an email introduction to the Maine Arts Commission.
Organization: The Maine Arts Commission is a governmental administrative agency that supports participation in the arts and cultural heritage of Maine. These programs include Arts Accessibility, Arts in Education, Community Arts, Visual Arts, Media arts, Performing Arts, Public Arts, and Traditional Arts. The agency also has a Grants Development program and a Communications Program. The agency is involved with local, regional, and national arts policies and intersects with other state offices like the Office of Tourism and the Bureau of Parks and Lands.
Intern Position: The agency is seeking interns to support staff with various program duties and projects. Because of the breadth of programming at the agency, we can usually accommodate the interests of any intern. If we cannot, we are happy to help them find another appropriate organization to volunteer with.
Qualifications: Qualified candidates will either have completed or be currently enrolled in a college or university program. Interests in studio art, art history, architecture, theater or literature are helpful. Possess good organizational skills and familiarity with Microsoft Office suite software.
Abbe Museum
26 Mount Desert Street, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience in museum work, school credit
To Apply: Please contact Raney Bench, gro.muesumebba@yenar or 207/288-3519. On-line application can be filled out and submitted with a cover letter and resume.
Organization: The mission of the Abbe Museum is to inspire new learning about the Wabanaki Nations with every visit. We operate two facilities, a year-round museum in downtown Bar Harbor, and a seasonal trail-side museum in Acadia National Park. We have a small, professional staff focused on collections covering the entire 12,000 year history of native people in Maine, exhibits, educational outreach, and public programs.
Intern Position: Duties depend on current activities, but can include visitor services and front-line staffing; collections processing; exhibit development and installation, education, public programs, and events. Requests for marketing, administrative, and fund raising experiences will be reviewed.
Qualifications: Ability to work independently, knowledgeable about Wabanaki history and culture, archaeology, Native history, or other related fields. Interest in a career in archaeology, anthropology, or museums. Willingness to work in a team environment, flexible, and open to all kinds of duties.
Alice James Books
114 Prescott Street, Farmington, Maine 04938
Schedule: Spring, Summer, & Fall Semesters
Benefits: School credit, experience
To Apply: Applicants should e-mail a letter of interest and their resume to the Editorial Assistant, Darrian Church at: gro.skoobsemajecila@AE
Organization: The mission of Alice James Books is to seek out and publish the best contemporary poetry by both established and emerging poets with an emphasis on supporting women writers.
Intern Position: Designing our bi-annual catalog, designing a prepublication galley for print, designing print and online advertisements, composing author interview questions, preparing marketing plans for upcoming titles, processing manuscript submissions, assisting with annual appeal, drafting business correspondence, managing AJB's online presence, database management, securing permissions, answering telephones, and other general office duties.
Qualifications: Creative Writing/English majors (preferred), University of Maine at Farmington students (preferred), interest in publishing, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence. Volunteer opportunities also available.
Association culturelle et historique du Mont-Carmel
P.O. Box 150, Lille, Maine 04746
Schedule: June through August
Benefits: Experience and lodging
To Apply: Please call 207/895-3339 or e-mail gro.lerutluceesum@ofni
Organization: The Musée culturel du Mont-Carmel is a nonprofit cultural museum dedicated to the preservation and development of Acadian and Québecois culture and history in the St. John Valley of northern Maine. The museum was founded in 1984 and is operated by the Association culturelle et historique du Mont-Carmel.
This former Roman Catholic Church has been undergoing extensive restoration and offers an impressive collection of religious artifacts and vestments, sculptures, folk art, Acadian and Québecois pine furniture and artifacts from as early as the 18th century. Cultural programming includes lectures, exhibitions, and events such as traditional singing and theatrical performances. Plans are for a gallery to feature traditional and contemporary art, as well as a permanent exhibit of the museum’s folk collection.
Intern Position: Guide to museum, display fabrication, cataloging.
Qualifications: University student. Knowledge of French is helpful, but not a requirement
Bagaduce Music Lending Library
P.O. Box 829, 5 Music Library Lane, Blue Hill, Maine 04614
Schedule: August through December
Benefits: Experience working in a non-profit organization
To Apply: Please plan out what you would like to gain from the experience. You may call 207/374-5454 or email gro.cisumecudagab@anitram
Organization: Our unique not-for-profit organization, collects preserves and shares written music and scores. We also promote music education especially in grades K-12. We have a collection of over 1 million pieces of music with over 250,000 individual titles and increasing daily. Our members come from all around the USA and 27 foreign countries. The 50+ Volunteers come to preserve our music and have put in over 7000 hours last year. They are the most dedicated people I know.
Intern Position: Music non-profit internship:
- Learn about not-for-profit organizations
- Music notation and recognition
- Cataloging and data input of music
- Categorizing musical selections
- Experience working with volunteers
- Grant writing and strategic planning
- Learning marketing research
- Community influence on organizations
Qualifications: Our applicants should be in High School or college and have some music experience, whether playing an instrument or recognition of music appreciation. They could also do this as a business experience for a consulting or structures class.
Bearnstow on Parker Pond
84 Bearnstow Road, Mount Vernon, Maine 04352
Bearnstow Announces its Young Artist Residency Program 2020
Schedule: June 19 to August 30, 2020
Benefits: World-class instruction in dance, choreography, and creative process, multiple performance opportunities, experience working with children, organizational skills and teamwork, possible college credit, and a modest stipend
To Apply: Please send a professional résumé, a letter of recommendation, portrait color photo, contact information for two references (one personal, one professional), up to two working links to online videos showing choreographic or performance work, and a personal statement expressing why Bearnstow specifically appeals to you (no more than 250 words) to gro.wotsnraeb@nimda. Application deadline: January 31, 2020.
Organization: A unique and historic summer arts retreat dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of our natural environment, Bearnstow lies on 65 acres of pristine woodland, with 12 rustic buildings, most nearly a century old, nestled along the 2,400 feet of rocky shoreline on Parker Pond. With a commitment to understanding how one’s sense of place is essential to the creative process, Bearnstow’s summer season begins with a week devoted to the natural sciences, and is followed by workshops in movement and performance for professional and pre-professional artists and students, taught by an international faculty. Day camp sessions for children of school age are offered for two weeks in late June–early July, running concurrently with the first workshops of the season. See https://bearnstow.org for more information.
Intern/Residency Position: Bearnstow’s Young Artist Residency Program (https://bearnstow.org/interns2020.htm) is an intensive 10-week summer program of dance, creative process, performance and teamwork for a select group of hardworking individuals, who show genuine promise and commitment to the art of dance. Chosen Residents receive the following:
- Eight weeks of workshops, including approximately 240 hours of instruction and mentoring by a superlative international faculty of professional artists
- One week of natural history lectures, hands-on instruction and trail walks
- Opportunity to perform in weekly informal showings throughout the summer
- Opportunity to lead movement session(s) for our youth Day Camp
- Rich opportunity to meet, study with, and create original work with other artists and students attending each workshop
- Personalized attention due to small class sizes, and invaluable insight into the aesthetic and process of each instructor
- Chance to be part of a close-knit company of artists who collaborate on a program of their own choreographic work in a shared concert at summer’s end
- Shared room and board throughout the season, and a nominal honorarium
In exchange, the Residents work as a team of capable assistants who can “put their hand to anything.” In addition to collaborating on food preparation and camp facility maintenance throughout the summer, Residents may be involved with designing programs and other promotional material, conducting research, or assisting with other administrative duties at camp. Throughout the season it is not unusual for Residents to go from devising exotic recipes and serving incredible meals, to improvising on the shore of the pond, composing sound scores, creating original dance videos, and planning performance projects together at other venues nationally and internationally. Living together and making art together are central to the Bearnstow experience.
Qualifications: Bearnstow’s Young Artist Residents come from a wide range of experiences, from college freshmen to nature lovers to professional dancers seeking new inspiration. The best qualifications are a deep desire to dance, an ability to think creatively and work with flexibility, and the willingness to apply oneself with rigor while working cooperatively with others.
Belfast Creative Coalition
26 Spring Street, #5 Belfast, Maine 04915
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience in non-profit and arts employment. School credit when available. Upon completion of the entire 9 or 5 month period, the supervisor will write a letter of reference for the intern to use for future educational/career purposes.
To Apply: Please submit email applications between January and May to internship supervisor: Kimberly Callas, Belfast Creative Coalition: gro.noitilaocevitaerctsafleb@ylrebmik.
Organization: Created in 2012 through a Maine Arts Commission "Creative Communities = Economic Development" grant. BCC was the culmination of unified efforts among a highly-respected cluster of arts and cultural individuals and organizations. Its mission is to cultivate arts and culture through collaborative partnerships across multiple sectors, and to establish a cohesive identity as an open resource.
Key accomplishments and current programs include:
*A website with an arts and culture directory with over 215 listings and an events calendar.
*A cultural map that promotes BCC's year-round Belfast Area Farm and Arts Trail and weekend Tour, including artists' studios and farmers who are also crafts persons, producing artistic, health or food-related products.
*Coordinated promotions, such as Belfast Art Walks, to maximize marketing capabilities for creative entrepreneurs.
*A locally televised showcase with 60+ local performers.
"Belfast Art Walk Internship
Intern Position: Please submit applications between January and May. Internship schedules are from January to May and May to September (or both). We will be looking for a time commitment of 6-8 hours per week.
- Booking street performers (music and dance) for summer art walks
- Contacting participating Belfast galleries to obtain summer/fall opening schedules for web updates and press releases.
- Writing and submitting weekly press releases about Friday Art Walks (announcing performers and opening receptions) includes newsletter and press and calendar uploads.
- Performing website updates; posting Facebook announcements and Chamber calendar announcements
- Coordinating performers during Friday Art Walks
- Photographing gallery visitors and performers during Friday Art Walks
- Setting up and help take down BCC promotional table during Art Walks
Qualifications: Good communication skills, good writing skills, ability to be self-directed when given a set of tasks, basic computer skills such as Word and Excel. Ability to do graphic design, Facebook, and update simple websites is a plus. The intern will need to have access to a (laptop) computer and phone of their own; when working downtown, supervisors can provide workspace and internet access.
Belfast Maskers
P.O. Box 541, Belfast, Maine 04915
Schedule: June through August
Benefits: Experience, school credit, stipend
To Apply: Please contact Belfast Maskers by April of the year in which you wish to take part, by email or letter. Applications should include a head shot, resume and a letter of recommendation from a current director or instructor. Optional additional supporting materials may include a DVD or other video showing singing, dancing, and acting skills.Please email moc.sreksamtsafleb@ofni
Organization: Community Theater producing musicals, historical plays, classics, comedies, tragedies, family fare and children's plays year round. The Maskers also run an annual performing arts camp for children each summer.
Intern Position: Interns help direct the children's day theater camp. They hang lights, paint sets, build props and costumes, choreograph, are board ops, stage manage and perform in a major musical as well as on the streets during Friday night Art walks.
Qualifications: Dependable, pleasant people with a desire to work hard and learn and affinity for children and a desire to be in a beautiful coastal town with outside productions held right next to the seaside. You need to want to be in this small environment and work hard and do good theater for six to eight weeks in the summer.
Blue Hill Concert Association
P.O. Box 140, Blue Hill, Maine 04614
Schedule: September through May
Benefits: Working with a non-profit agency, fund raising
To Apply: Please contact Deborah Reinke by email moc.liamg@eknierqd or phone 207/374-5196
Organization: Classical music, four concerts per year. Season runs January to late March. Planning and meetings of the voluntary board run from September to May. No activity in the summer.
Intern Position: We would greatly benefit from grant applications to public relations (radio, newspaper, online, etc.
Qualifications: Knowledge about PR and/or grant writing
Blunt Youth Radio Project
Southern Maine Community Radio 96 Falmouth Street, Portland, Maine 04104
Schedule: Any time, but we prefer a 3-month commitment
Benefits: Excellent resume builder, occasional stipends
To Apply: Please contact Claire Holman, ude.eniam.msu@namlohc or 207/650-5835
Organization: Blunt Youth Radio Project produces a weekly call-in, public affairs, talk show that airs Monday nights from 7:30-8:30 on WMPG, Southern Maine Community Radio. High school age youth from the Portland area, both free and incarcerated, staff the show. Blunt Members are trained in all areas of radio production: interviewing, hosting, reporting, editing, and engineering. The show has won several Gold and Silver Reel Awards from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters and a number of First Place Radio News Awards from the Maine Association of Broadcasters.
Intern Position: Production Assistant - help produce audio features for broadcast and for internet posting. Use ProTools and or Hindenburg software. Live Broadcast Assistance - assist in various aspects of preparing and broadcasting our live show - engineering, host preparation, sourcing guests, etc. Fund-raising - help organize local fund-raising events, online fund-raisers, and assist with grant research and writing. Learn to work effectively with youth using the principles of positive youth development.
- Radio production experience
- Experience working with youth
- Good organizational skills
Camp Solong - Summer Camp for Adults
53 Richards Lane, Freeport Maine 04032
Schedule: July to August 17, 2018
Benefits: Opportunity to work with: outdoor large-scale installation and performance-project with two Internationally-working artists, we can facilitate gaining school credit.
To Apply: Please email gro.gnolospmac@eybdoog
Organization: Artists Ethan Hayes-Chute (US) and Dafna Maimon (FI/IL), are looking for interns to help us organize and build our third iteration of Camp Solong here in Maine, taking place August 10-13th on Orr’s Island.
Intern Position: We are hoping to find committed project assistants, who could help us throughout the summer. We need help building our open-air cabin, making costumes and props, experimenting with performative exercises, documenting the process on video, and the overall organizing of the project, as well as scavenging for materials!
Qualifications: We are looking for hardworking, reliable assistants, who are good at taking initiative and have good communication skills. Experience in building with wood, sewing, organizing the production of multifaceted artworks, and video documentation is very welcome. A drivers license is also needed to get to and from the site.
Camp Solong is a nomadic, large-scale outdoor installation and performance project that culminates in an annual three-day, summer camp for adults. This year, Camp Solong will be hosted on Orr's Island August 10-13th. Since 2016, each year, in a new location close to nature, we create a large-scale installation and build an open-air cabin, which is openly viewable to the public day and night. We then activate the installation by organizing a three-day long performative camp program for six campers, turning the installation into a tableau-vivant in motion; a non-scripted public performance. This activation is experienced in real time by the participating campers, and seen by the audience from the outside as a performative collective creation. Our campers, that we select via open call, represent different age groups (25 and older) and backgrounds, forming a diverse, temporary, small-scale community, that, however, shares one common denominator: the universal experience of loss, and the willingness to engage with the emotional processing of this theme in a participatory performative project; Camp Solong is free for the selected campers to attend. Hence, our overall camp concept is based on the theme of ""saying goodbye"", which simultaneously provides a common ground for creating fast connections and fosters empathy between a group of strangers. An important element in dealing with this theme is our use of humor and a distinct Camp Solong aesthetic and language that speaks of community and a demand for slowing down.
We consider all Camp Solong endeavors part of a gesamtkunstwerk, and each new camp session builds upon previous outcomes; recycling stories, ideas, and objects from past installments into an ever-growing rhizome of outcomes, including exhibitions performances and the camp sessions themselves. Camp Solong has the capacity to continuously reinvent itself in new site-specific forms that respond to the multitude of perspectives offered by changing participants, situations and locations.
Previously, Camp Solong has been successfully mounted in Germany, at Kunstverein Braunschweig in 2016, and in 2017, in Finland in cooperation with the Pro Artibus Foundation and Sinne Gallery, Helsinki.
This position provides experience in organizing and conceptualizing a multifaceted, demanding outdoor production and its fundraising, as well as experience in installation and sculpture, video art, performative practices and collaboration.
We are happy to help facilitate gaining school credit, if desired.
In return, we offer an unforgettable experience, loads of new knowledge, good times, and hard-working times, a camp-ranger name and working outfit while on duty, a multi-faceted, rigorous process including all the ins-and-outs of how to create an immersive, participatory artwork, and the fun and excitement of SUMMER CAMPS!
Please write us an email to gro.gnolospmac@eybdoog with the subject "Project Assistant - Camp Solong Ranger" with an introduction about yourself, why you'd like to work with us, and what your availability as well as experience is. Please also let us know what you'd be hoping to learn or gain experience in. As the project is so large and covering so many different mediums, we are looking for people who may be interested in, or have more skills than just one specific area of the project.
Children's Museum & Theatre of Maine
142 Free Street, Portland, Maine 04101
Schedule: Internships available Spring, Fall, and Summer
Benefits: Interns will gains meaningful experience working with children from 0-10 and their families, learn how to implement lesson plans, have opportunities to develop public speaking skills and become a part of the Children's Museum & Theatre community. School credit when applicable.
To Apply: For questions please contact Brittany Liscord, Community Engagement Coordinator & Educator gro.sliatetik@lynattirb - (207)828-1234
To fill out an application go to the employment/intern section on the Children's Museum & Theatre website: http://www.kitetails.org/about-us/employment/
Organization: Located in the Arts District of downtown Portland, the Children's Museum & Theatre of Maine features a wide variety of interactive exhibits and activities for children and families. The Children's Museum & Theatre of Maine exists to inspire discovery and imagination through exploration and play. The Museum & Theatre serves as an indispensable resource for families and educators, helping to create a broad community devoted to our children's development and learning.
Intern Positions: Education Intern, The Education Intern will work alongside education staff to present fun, multi-disciplinary, and experience based summer camps for children ages 4-8. The Intern will actively participate in planning and delivering educational programs, and will have access to unique educational resources in a supportive work environment. During each camp the Intern will have the opportunity to develop and implement one lesson/activity based on the camp theme. In addition to summer camp, the Intern will experience daily informal educational programming and have the opportunity to learn and implement multi-disciplinary and dynamic education programs for Museum & Theatre visitors.
Qualifications: Loves spending time and interacting with children. At least 1 year of formal or informal teaching experience with children (ages 2-10). Excellent communication skills with children and adults. Ability to seek and accept supervision and guidance. Maturity and patience.
Chocolate Church Arts Center
804 Washington Street/P.O. Box 252, Bath, Maine 04530
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, If your school offers credit we are willing to help you get it and a small weekly stipend.
To Apply: Please send letter of interest and resume to: Interim Executive Director, Dennis St. Pierre at moc.liamg@1erreiptssinned or send via snail mail to PO Box 252, Bath Maine 04530.
Organization: Chocolate Church Arts Center in Bath Maine is a multi disciplinary Arts center offering presentations of Music, Theater, Dance and Visual Arts in Bath Maine. We have been the leading presenter of the arts for 41 years. Our mission is to provide professional and international artists of multiple genres at an affordable cost or no cost.
Intern Position: Volunteer Coordinator. September to December / January to May. This position would be during the regular season from September to June of the year. We could split this to accommodate for semester work. The Volunteer coordinator would be in charge of gathering volunteer contact information, preferences of volunteer jobs and then coordinating volunteers for all the events, concerts and gallery openings. They would keep track of the volunteer data base, email volunteers to request participation, coordinate the activities of the volunteers at events, keep records of volunteer hours for all volunteers and coordinate the Volunteer appreciation party. 10-20 hours a week, must be available some weekend evenings.
Intern Position: Summer Concert Series Internship: June through end of August. This position would work on behalf of the organization as needed support for all of the summer concerts and assist the administrative team, executive director and board of directors to make certain that all aspects of the summer concert series are completed. Knowledge of marketing through social media helpful, some knowledge of working with technical equipment is helpful. Excellent communication skills and social skills required. Will help in promotions, poster distribution, community outreach. Must work 8 Saturdays during the summer and up to 20 hours total a week.
Qualifications: Both Internships: Microsoft office or equivalent software knowledge. Social media software knowledge. Ability to learn new software (signup genius, seat advisor). Sound and Lighting Technical knowledge helpful but not required. Great interpersonal and communication skills. Great attitude. Love of the arts.
Circling the Square, Fine Art Press
275 Water Street, Gardiner, Maine 04345
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience and school credit
To Apply: Interested people can call 207-582-2108 or email moc.sgodtraeht@sgod
Organization: Circling the Square Fine Art Press is a studio facility on the ground floor of Artdogs Studios. It is a place where Artist/printmakers can come and create their art. The studio is designed to combine the best of the 500-year-old traditions of printmaking with the safer new technologies of the 21st Century. It can accommodate artists working in Relief, Silkscreen (acrylic inks only), Intaglio (copper etching only), and a variety of monotype and monoprint processes. There is also a gallery for exhibitions and the organization actively participates in Artwalk Gardiner.
Intern Position: Gallery Assistant
An intern would assist with certain arts and administrative projects relating to the operation of the press and gallery. This could include the exhibition of work in the gallery space, coordinating with other arts organizations and the Gardiner community for Artwalk Gardiner, planning special events, monitoring the gallery, website updates, developing social media resources, and assisting artists with their work.
Qualifications: Applicant should be interested and enthusiastic about the arts. Familiarity with word processing applications is essential, web design and social media experience a plus.
Cold Comfort Theater
139 Northport Ave., Suite #1, Belfast, Maine 04915
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, school credit, small travel stipend
To Apply: Write to Aynne Ames at: Cold Comfort Theater, 139 Northport Ave., Suite 1, Belfast, ME 04915 OR moc.liamg@retaehttrofmocdloc
Organization: Community Theater using people of all ages from the community and outside the area as actors, stage managers, technicians, directors, music directors, musicians, costumers, make up artists, photographers. We do musicals, comedies, serious drama, historical plays, children's plays. We work in both inside and outside spaces. We work in conjunction with many other agencies including, Shrine Clubs, Churches, Veterans organizations, schools, Parks and Recreation Departments, etc.
Intern Positions: Stage Manager, Make-up Artists, Photographer, Set Designers/Builders
Stage Manager: taking blocking, staging, choreography notes. Set up and break down of rehearsals. Considerable computer work. Calling the show.
Make-up artists and hair/wig design: design, order and coordinate makeup for all performances.
Photographer: Staging and shooting all photo and video shoots for publicity and promotion.
Set designers and builders. Design and creation of sets; often in unusual settings such as parks.
Qualifications: Applicant can be new at Stage Managing and we will train. All other opportunies take some level of experience, depending on the interview and the needs of a particular production.
Creative Portland
84 Free Street, Portland, Maine, 04101
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, experience, school credit (where applicable)
To Apply: Email moc.dnaltropevitaerc@tnatsissamargorp
Organization: Creative Portland's mission is to support the creative economy through the arts by providing essential resources, by fostering partnerships, and by promoting Portland's artistic talents and cultural assets. As the official nonprofit arts agency, we support economic development efforts by strengthening and stimulating our workforce, creative industries, and enterprises.
Intern Position: Seeks motivated, professional and organized candidates to assist with multiple office tasks, database management, template creation, special events planning & coordination, program assistance, gallery supervision, research, and other development opportunities. Possibly eligible for college credit where applicable./p>
Qualifications: Applicant will either have completed or be currently enrolled in a college or university program and will possess an eagerness to learn on the job, have an ability to multitask, and be flexible. Strong organizational sense, excellent written and communication skills, familiarity with G Suite & Adobe Suite, production coordinator-type skills, and a passion for the cultural life of Portland, with knowledge of art history, music, photography, social media, copywriting and/or event planning a real plus..
Crossover Touring
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, school credit
To Apply: Please email a cover letter and a resume to moc.gniruotrevossorc@nyltiac
Organization: CROSSOVER TOURING, provides customized touring for multi-genre artists. We combine 30 years of experience and a life-long passion for music with great tools and a talented staff to offer exceptional service to our clients on both sides of the deal.
Intern Positions: Successful applicants for Crossover Touring internships should expect to gain valuable knowledge about the concert industry. From marketing, to tour management, to negotiating and booking shows, our interns get to take part in literally every aspect of the process. This is a general booking agency internship with the following main objectives for the student:
- Learn to read and develop contracts, offers and artist riders.-
- Gain a better understanding of the booking agent-artist relationship
- Better understand the steps it takes to book a performance and all the requirements leading up to the day of show.
- Learn about all the behind the scenes steps taken in order to execute a successful concert.
- Learn and develop better understanding of social media and marketing platforms as they relate to a booking agency.
- Self-motivated, able to work autonomously with a team mentality
- Reliable, extremely organized,
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Able to focus in a VERY fast-paced environment,
- Proficient with MS Office especially EXCEL
- Proficient with Google Apps, Gmail.
- Must be able to work a minimum of at least 8 hours/week
- Must have a strong passion for the music INDUSTRY
Deer Isle Artists Association
15 Main Street, Deer Isle Village, Maine 04627
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Student intern will be exposed to over 100 artists and their studios. The intern is encouraged to show their own art work in at least 2 exhibits. We
offer up to $1800 for 20 hour week, for 10 weeks.
To Apply: Please call or email:Cynthia Bourque Simonds - 207-359-6596, moc.liamg@sdnomisbc
Organization: DIAA has over 100 artists, local and summer artists who participate in gallery operation, exhibitions and teaching. Our gallery is open year round offering a variety of winter art talks, residencies, teaching, to summer exhibitions, first Fridays and artists receptions.
Intern Positions: Student interns will assist our non profit organization with summer hands on exhibition experience. Will assist in organizing and hanging exhibits, assist in PR, assist in ALL MEMBER shows, and prepare artists for upcoming exhibits. Also exhibit your own art work, offer a community based workshop and visit studios of artists members. Assist in gallery cleaning, sitting during shows and working closely with the Exhibition Chair.
Qualifications: Applicant must be a current college student, studying art related subjects, is an art major, had previous art studies,considers independent artist.
We look forward to an enthusiastic student willing to share ideas of art. Will be needed to use IPAD for purchases.
Down East Singers
P.O. Box 996, Rockport, Maine 04856
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, possible school credit
To Apply: Contact Music Director Anthony Antolini by e-mail at ude.niodwob@nilotnaa or phone 207/725-3347
Organization: Down East Singers is a community chorus of approximately 70 members based in Rockport. Weekly rehearsals take place at Nativity Lutheran Church on Old County Road in Rockport. Age range of group is from teenagers to singers in their 80's. We do two concert productions per season: one in December and another on Memorial Day. Each concert is given several times. The December concert in 2012 is at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Newcastle and Camden Opera House in Camden. The Memorial Day concert is given at Camden Opera House and at Blue Hill Congregational Church. The repertoire of Down East Singers is classical. The group is often accompanied by the Mozart Mentors Orchestra (an ensemble made up of string teachers and their most promising students.)
Intern Position:Administrative Assistant Assist music director in writing publicity. Assist music director in answering e-mail inquiries. Assist music director in administrating future concert tours. Assist board in keeping web site up to date. Assist group in moving equipment used for concerts. Assist librarian in distributing and collecting music. Assist section leaders in keeping track of attendance.
Qualifications:Familiarity with the way a concert organization works. Knowledge of e-mail and ability to write well. (Desirable but not required): Familiarity with web site administration. Have a valid driver's license and access to a car.
Engine, Inc.
265 Main Street, #103, Biddeford, Maine 04005
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience/school credit
To Apply: Please email or call gro.enigneehtdeef@rotcerid or 207/229-3560
Organization: A community arts organization with exhibition space on Main Street offering visual arts, movies, music, workshops, and a gallery gift store.
Intern Position: Responsibilities include: Managing the gallery gift store, helping design programming for music and lecture events, assisting with arts education programming.
Qualifications: None necessarily. Arts education background and/or retail management a plus
Freeport Players
P.O. Box 483, Freeport, Maine 04032
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Hands-on experience
To Apply: Contact Elizabeth Guffey at gro.enilnopcf@ofni
Organization: Freeport Players is a community theater offering a range of opportunities to enjoy theater on stage, behind the scenes, and from the audience.
Intern Position: Please contact Elizabeth Guffey for more information.
Harlow Gallery - Kennebec Valley Art Association
160 Water Street, Hallowell, Maine 04347
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities, minimum of three month commitment
Benefits: Work experience in running a visual arts nonprofit
To Apply: To apply for an internship position, send a copy of your resume and cover letter to Aleana Chaplin, Volunteer Coordinator. Please indicate which concentration you are interested in and your availability. Send email to gro.yrellagwolrah@anaela, or mail to Aleana Chaplin, Harlow Gallery, 160 Water Street, Hallowell, ME 04347
Organization: The Harlow Gallery is owned, directed and supported by the Kennebec Valley Art Association (KVAA), a membership based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1959. The KVAA supports the artistic development of our member artists, both amateur and professional, by providing opportunities for exhibition and other professional development at the Harlow Gallery. These include workshops, lectures, demonstrations and other special events. Our policy is to make our space available to a broad range of artists’ groups for meetings and events that are important to artistic growth and for the exchange of ideas. Because we believe the arts are integral to a well-rounded and vibrant community, and can be a key factor in personal growth and self- improvement, we strive to involve the greater community in the arts and to invite them into the Harlow Gallery at every opportunity.
Intern Position: We have the following internship opportunities and are open to students proposing an alternative assignment that may play to their strengths or interests and the Harlow's needs. Visit our website for details about the following: Development-Fundraising Intern, Education-Programming Intern, Exhibition-Curatorial Intern, PR and Marketing Intern
Qualifications: Candidates should have excellent attention to detail, a good sense of humor, effective communication skills, the ability to work in a fast paced environment, and knowledge of Microsoft Office, including Word and Excel. Applicants must be able to meet deadlines, work autonomously, and be creative in developing exciting materials. The candidate must be flexible and willing to work on a wide variety of projects. All interns will choose a concentration as well as perform basic gallery related tasks such as General Office help: Member Relations: Processing memberships, volunteer communications, renewals, fielding inquiries, member communication including email blasts and development of regular newsletter; Artist Relations: Communicating with artists about exhibition information and image; Basic Curatorial tasks; Marketing: Posters, social media blitz and documentation of events for future promotional material.
Italian Heritage Center Concert Band
84 Carlyle Road, Portland, Maine 04103
Schedule: Ongoing Opportunities
Benefits: Experience, school credit
To Apply: Please contact the Artistic Director, Nina K. Oatley, moc.oohay@85okn or call 207/415-0880
Organization: A 60 member community concert band, dedicated to providing musical experiences for amateur musicians of all ages; outreach programs to young student musicians to make them aware of the joys and benefits of this type of music-making, and bringing our music to audiences throughout the State of Maine.
Intern Position: Assistant to the Artistic Director A few projects that an intern would provide assistance with: Development - We are planning on creating a development campaign for our organization and would love someone to help with the work required to set that structure up. New venue exploration - we are also looking to find some new venues for performances. We could use an intern to do contact and research work on this. School Outreach - we are in the middle of a 4 year project with 2 schools. An intern would assist with the coordination of this project.
Qualifications: Good verbal and written communication skills Well organized Able to work independently An understanding of concert band music and ideally community music-making
Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center
280 Water Street (mail: PO Box 777), Gardiner, Maine 04345
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, possible stipend in summer
To Apply: Please send a resume and letter of interest to gro.llahnosnhoj@ofni or call 207/582-7144
Organization: Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center, at 280 Water Street in downtown Gardiner, presents year-round arts programs for all ages--professional music shows and concerts, theater and dance performances; theater and art camps and classes for children; and teen band shows, in the renovated first floor of Maine’s oldest theater, built in 1864. We have after-school programs in local schools and collaborate with community events. Check our website for current programs. Current programs are available at the website, http://www.johnsonhall.org. Like us on Facebook at.facebook.com/pages/Johnson-Hall/209524975225. The phone number is 207-582-7144.
Intern Position: Arts marketing and program Intern .Marketing work includes:
- Design of ads, posters, postcards, other
- Getting sponsor ads and banners from businesses
- Layout/production of printed programs for shows
- Organizing marketing campaigns for programs including print and online ads
- Social network sites (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter) management; possible blog on our website
- Keeping marquee current
- Targeted marketing
- Posting posters and cards for events
Programs assistance including:
- Organizing TESS, an elementary-age, after-school theater and art program (Spring)
- Assisting the Artistic Director with the Waterfront Talent Show (Show in June)
- Assisting the Executive and Artistic Directors with details of programs: Sounds Good!, a professional music series, Lively Lunches, an August outdoor series featuring local talent, Teen Band Shows, year-round concert/dances, and Center Stage, a theatrical series.
- Provide office support to Summer Shenanigans camps
Qualifications: Computer experience and familiarity with word processing, and social networking sites is crucial. Art/graphics/layout experience helpful. Willingness to learn important. Report to the Executive Director for marketing and programming and to the Office Manager for office tasks. A car is necessary for some activities (especially the after-school theater arts program).
L.C. Bates Museum
Good Will-Hinckley P.O. Box 159, 14 Easler Road, Hinckley, Maine 04944
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, school credit, real museum work
To Apply: Please email, stop by or call the L.C.Bates Museum, gro.hwg@setabcl or 207/238-4250
Organization: The L.C.Bates Museum, a Natural History and Cultural Museum that was founded in the first part of the 20th century is located on the campus of Good Will-Hinckley. The L.C.Bates Museum is dedicated to inspiring wonder and stimulating children and their families’ interest in Maine History, Art and the natural sciences. The Museum has yearly exhibitions of contemporary Maine artists and exhibits of the permanent collection.
Intern Position: Museum Assistant Curator - Collections management, cataloging and preparing exhibitions, caring for collections, storing collections creating on line exhibits. Museum Educator - Presenting educational programs for school groups, developing educational programs, making educational labels. Museum Development Assistant - Writing grants for the museum, building museum membership, helping with fundraising.
Qualifications: Qualifications would vary depending on the goals of the intern and the museum needs. For example for a Museum intern educator - Responsibilities of this position will include conducting museum tours, greeting visitors, presenting tours and programs, developing program materials and hands-on educational materials for both the museum and outdoor area. Hours are flexible and some training is provided. Duties and Responsibilities: Enjoy working with school groups of children as well as adults, possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, be dependable and enthusiastic, ability to organize and develop educational materials Specific Tasks for internship established at the beginning of the internship. Museum Collections Cataloging - Responsibilities of this position include researching, cataloging and storing collections. Hours are flexible and training on the job.
Maine Jewish Film Festival
P.O. Box 7465, Portland, Maine 04112
Schedule: Internship available January through April
Benefits: Experience, School Credit
To Apply: Please send an email introduction with resume to: gro.ffjm@tsefmlif
Organization:The Maine Jewish Film Festival is a non-profit cultural arts organization who mission is to provide a forum for the presentation of films to enrich, educate and entertain a diverse community about the Jewish experience.
Over the last 15 years we have presented over 300 films both domestic and foreign, brought more than 80 guest artists from the U.S. and around the world and sold over 32,000 tickets to both Jewish and non-Jewish attendees in venues throughout greater Portland as well in selected sites throughout the state. Portland is the smallest city in the nation to boast an independent, professional Jewish film festival.
We celebrate our Festival in early March.
Intern Position: Festival Intern
- General office support
- Distribute festival posters and brochures
- Update - Facebook posts
- Contact local organizations, groups, schools, etc. regarding outreach for Festival
- Assist with the coordination of filmmaker transportation, accommodations, and meals
- Event management assistance (Opening Night Gala, Closing Party, and other gatherings)
- Participate in Festival week duties (ticketing, overseeing volunteers, etc.)
- Ability to maintain confidentiality
- Excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills
- Critical thinking and writing skills
- Ability to effectively operate computers and assigned software
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Ability to work cooperatively and effectively with coworkers and those outside the organization
- A love of film is helpful but not necessary
Maine Pro Musica
P.O. Box 1311, Rockport, Maine 04856
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience and possible school credit
To Apply: Please contact Music Director, Janna Hymes by email moc.liamg@acisumorpeniam
Organization: We are a non profit professional orchestra serving the State of Maine. We hire Maine musicians and offer concerts of the highest artistic quality to towns across the State. With an emphasis on great classical music we also present educational and pops concerts.
Intern Position: Maine Pro Musica Intern – Part-time Position Duties would include - assisting Music Director, help in coordinating concerts, work closely with the board. We have regular mailings and filing to do. The board meets monthly - our intern would be asked to those meetings.
Qualifications: Organizational skills writing and communication skills friendly attitude
Maine State Music Theatre
22 Elm Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: School Credit, Actors' Equity Association points
To Apply: Send resumes and pictures (where applicable) to Kathi Kacininski at gro.tmsm@sboj
Organization: We are a Summer Musical Theatre company that plays to over 55,000 people during its twelve week season. MSMT produces 4 full-scale musicals, a series of concerts and 2-3 children's shows each summer and is enjoying its 54th season.
Intern Position: All aspects of theatre, performance, technical, and administrative internships are available.
Qualifications: Performers must sing, dance and act. Technicians should have experience and be somewhat skilled. Administrative interns should have an understanding of theatre, office skills and computer familiarity.
Ogunquit Museum of American Art
P.O. Box 815 - 543 Shore Road, Ogunquit, Maine 03907
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Art museum work experience school credit possible stipend possible
To Apply: Please send a resume and a cover letter expressing interest and available internship dates to gro.muesumtiuqnugo@rh
Organization: The Ogunquit Museum of American Art (OMAA) was founded by Lost Generation artist Henry Strater and opened in 1953. Closely connected to one of America’s earliest art colonies that directly contributed to the roots of American modernism, OMAA today houses a permanent collection of important paintings, sculpture, drawings, prints, and photographs from the late 1800s to the present and is the only museum in Maine devoted exclusively to the exhibition, preservation, and interpretation of American art. A short walk from Perkins Cove, the museum and its three acres of sculpture gardens overlook Narrow Cove and the Atlantic Ocean.
Intern Position: Seeking interns to perform various tasks around the museum under the direction of the OMAA marketing director, gallery manager, collections manager, and education coordinator.
Qualifications: Prior experience not necessary. Interest in art history and fine art desirable.
Opera Maine
225 Commercial Street, Portland, Maine 04101
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience working with leading professionals in the field, school credit as applicable, great professional connections.
To Apply:Cover letter noting earliest date available and latest departure date. Resume: Include mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, education and expected graduation date, work and internship experience (with dates). References: Provide contact information for three references. Indicate your relationship to each reference, their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Applications listing “References upon request” will not be considered. For further information, e-mail moc.eniamarepo@eniamarepo. Or call (207) 879-7678.
Organization: Maine's only professional opera company. Concerts and Educational Programs year round. The season is highlighted by a mainstage grand opera production in Portland's Merrill Auditorium and a Studio Artist Production of contemporary opera in another neighboring venue.
Intern Position:General Administration. Flexible Rolling Dates. Assist Executive Director in daily operations of administrative office. Assist with special projects. Marketing - Produce creative marketing copy. Brainstorm and draft social media content. Must have excellent writing and proofreading skills with attention to detail, as well as strong research skills. Assist those responsible for the housing, transportation, and other practical concerns of singers, directors, designers, and general personnel.
Qualifications:Requires strong ability to organize, to multitask, and to remain composed under pressure. Successful candidates will have excellent computer skills; a knowledge of opera or classical repertoire is a plus. Must be flexible and energetic..
Owls Head Transportation Museum
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, school credit and an hourly stipend
To Apply: For the full description and application instructions, candidates should visit owlshead.org/discover/careers.
Organization: The Owls Head Transportation Museum is a nonprofit educational organization. Its mission is to collect, preserve, exhibit and operate pre-1940 aircraft, ground vehicles, engines and related technologies significant to the evolution of transportation for the purpose of education.
Intern Position: Digital Marketing Intern. This unique role primarily focuses on creating audio and video content to serve the promotional and educational goals of the museum. Supervised by the Assistant Curator, this individual will not only learn the basics of creating short films; they will receive the resources and support to independently produce a digital portfolio of projects that mutually advances the curatorial department and their own professional development.
Qualifications: In possession or pursuit of a degree/career in video, new media, animation or communications. Diverse writing and communication skills. Advanced organizational skills when handling and storing digital assets. Basic understanding of DSLR cameras and post-production editing software.
Penobscot Theatre Company
115 Main Street, Suite #4, Bangor, Maine 04401
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, school credit, complimentary tickets
To Apply: Please visit our website to fill out internship application at: http://www.penobscottheatre.org/index.php?id=426&sub_id=346 Mail back to Penobscot Theatre Company 115 Main Street, Suite 4 Bangor, ME 04401 Inquiries should be directed to: gro.ertaehttocsbonep@enimsaj 207/947-6618 Director of Education and Outreach
Organization: Penobscot Theatre Company, America's Northeastern-most professional theatre company, started in 1973 by George Vafiadis and Lou Collier as the Acadia Repertory Theatre. Penobscot Theatre Company was incorporated as a 501(c) 3 on March 17, 1983.
Intern Position: We have many varying internships at our organization. We have opportunities in production support, administrative assistants, camp counselors, marketing, and box office management. Duties vary upon assignment. The following website has full descriptions of each of these positions: http://www.penobscottheatre.org/index.php?id=426&sub_id=346
Qualifications: Vary upon assignment. Please see website descriptions: http://www.penobscottheatre.org/index.php?id=426&sub_id=346
Portland Ballet
517 Forest Avenue, Suite 2, Portland, ME, 04101
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience working in an arts focused non-profit. Experience working closely with director level staff in completing project based work. Tickets to Portland Ballet performances
To Apply: Please indicate interest by contacting us directly with a resume, cover letter, or letter of inquiry, to Krista Woodbridge at gro.tellabdnaltrop@egdirbdoowk.
Organization: We are a professional company and acclaimed school dedicated to arts and education.Portland Ballet stretches the boundaries of dance in Maine. Creating vivid new works by resident choreographers alongside beloved classics and holiday favorites, the company sets the bar for dance in northern New England. Comprised of seasoned dancers from the United States and abroad, the company regularly embarks on creative collaborations with other prestigious arts institutions such as Portland Symphony Orchestra, Maine College of Art (MECA), Choral Art Society, First Friday Art Walk/Creative Portland, and Portland Public Library. Presenting works in diverse venues – from the intimate setting of the Portland Ballet Studio Theater to the grandeur of Merrill Auditorium – Portland Ballet is indispensable to bringing world class performances to Portland.
Intern Position: 1) Marketing Intern - This position would be responsible for working closely with the executive director in designing and implementing a predominately online based media campaign. This would include design work, video, and the management of social media communications.
2) Grant Writing Intern - This position would work closely with our current Grant Writer to assist in identifying grant opportunities, research, and writing proposals.
3) Production Intern - This position would work closely with our Production Manager to assist in preparing any production related tasks. This may include set building / refurbishing, theater maintenance, front of house, etc.
4) Costuming Intern - This position would include working closely with our Costume Mistress to help build, refurbish, and maintain our costumes. Work would also be done in preparing for performances.
Qualifications: Interns should have a base knowledge of the skills required for the position applied. For example, marketing interns should have a basic knowledge of Photoshop, InDesign or another graphics manipulation program. Costuming Interns should have experience or interest in fabrics, sewing, and the like. Grant Writers should have strong writing and research skills. And Production Interns would benefit from basic carpentry or facility maintenance skills.
Portland Ovations
50 Monument Square, 2nd Floor, Portland, Maine 04101
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience of working in a highly functioning NP
To Apply: Please email gro.snoitavodnaltrop@ofni. Cover letter and resume required.
Organization: Portland Ovations is an 80+ year old non-profit dedicated to bringing artists and cultural expressions from around the world to Maine, connecting Mainers with the arts through performances and integrated arts education.
Intern Position: Arts Administration Intern Post-season wrap up (archiving, etc) Pre-season organizing and planning, joining staff in brainstorming extraordinary outreach opportunities Research and writing for special projects Assistance with preparing grant reports and proposals General office support
Qualifications: Someone who is passionate about the arts and community vitality Self-starter, motivated with strong follow through Strong writing and organization skills
Portland Stage Company
25 A Forest Avenue, Portland Maine 04101
Schedule: Internships hours are full time and the commitment is from late August through May
Benefits: Housing and stipend will be provided; college credit can be arranged
To Apply: Please visit the website at http://www.portlandstage.org/work-with-us/internships/
Organization: Portland Stage is a professional regional theater producing seven mainstage productions, two new work festivals along with a series of Studio shows, workshops and programming for students. A member of the League of Resident Theaters, Portland Stage rehearses and creates all its shows in house.
Intern Position: The PORTLAND STAGE Theater Internship Program is committed to training future generations of theater professionals. Applicants should be highly motivated individuals who have acquired basic training in the theater arts and are looking to explore their field further through meaningful hands-on experience. Portland Stage Company interns are integral members of the staff and can expect to be challenged by a creative process that relies on both ingenuity and collaboration. Interns at Portland Stage work with leading designers, directors, administrators, and our professional production team throughout the season. They leave with a greater knowledge of the theatrical process and the satisfaction of being part of a dedicated theater company where exceptional quality is the end goal. • The hours are full time. Internships are offered in Set Design/Carpentry, Costume Design/Wardrobe, Props Carpentry, Lighting Design/Electrics, Sound, Stage Management, Directing/Dramaturgy, and Education.
Qualifications: Please visit our website at http://www.portlandstage.org/work-with-us/internships/
Running With Scissors
250 Anderson Street, Portland, ME 04101
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Studio access, experience and possible school credit
To Apply: Please send your resume, letter of inquiry and three professional references to ten.iwg@trasrossics
Organization: We are a multi-disciplinary art studio cooperative with over 50 resident and associate members and a growing community of day and hourly members. We share physical equipment such as kilns, printing presses, wood shop, Mac computer, a gallery and more. We also share our varied experiences, connections and other necessary intangibles for a studio artist or small business. We are dedicated to the inward growth of our artists and to the enriched subsequent affect on our community.
Intern Position: We are looking for individuals who are excited to be a part of a growing and vibrant art community and want to work with a diverse group of individuals to advance the arts in Maine. We have internship positions in various realms from assisting with Gallery/Events, Marketing/PR, Print, Wood or Clay Shop Techs and general experience it all assistance. We can be flexible and work with your other commitments. Our interns work both hands on and independently.
RWS Interns are exposed to all the varied facets of an arts organization from artist communications, community building, event coordination, gallery and event organizing, and equipment and space management. Responsibilities would include a wide array of activities from working closely with the artist members in workshops to space maintenance and building to developing and maintaining website and social media outlets to blogging and event/studio life documenting. Quite honestly, there is something different for everyone every day.
The most happy and successful interns are interested in developing a life as an artist or working in an arts community. They are flexible, independent thinkers and are willing to try new things and work on diverse tasks.
Qualifications: For all positions we are looking for energetic, community minded individuals willing to work with a wonderful group of varied personalities. They are able to be self motivated and work independently as well as collaboratively in a busy and fluid moving environment. Knowledge of various mediums, actives and office and computer skills as well as a healthy appreciation for working with what we have to do great things is also helpful.
We typically start our interns between 6-10 per week for at least 3-6 months but may have the opportunity to build into a more steady position. Hours will depend on staff overseeing the intern. Volunteers and the incredible artists here make our world go round so stating your interest and abilities will assist in our creating a strong match and internship experience for all.
Internships are unpaid and we are always eager to help accommodate school credit needs. Studio access and space may be compensated depending on availability.
SPACE Gallery
538 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, school credit, and occasionally stipends are available, depending on funding
To Apply: Interested applicants should forward a cover letter explaining their interest and experience and a resume to gro.835ecaps@ofni
Organization: Space Gallery is a nonprofit contemporary art center in Portland, featuring visual arts, live music and performance, film, artists lectures and more.
Intern Position: SPACE Gallery’s intern program is designed to be hands-on and flexible. We seek applicants who are eager to become immersed in a dynamic non-profit alternative arts venue and individuals who are considering a career in the visual and performing arts.
Our internships offer opportunities to learn all aspects of nonprofit arts management: gallery administration, art handling and installation, fundraising, event coordination and public relations. Sometimes we allow interns to focus on a particular realm of the arts wher they have interest and experience, e.g. music, film, or the visual arts.
Responsibilities range from answering phones and greeting visitors to researching and compiling press materials for events and exhibitions to working closely with artists to install their work or put on a show. This position will best suit an individual who is eager, flexible and able to shift gears from painting gallery walls to archiving to gallery sitting and everything in between. Be prepared for something different every day.
Qualifications: Successful candidates will have some general knowledge of contemporary visual and/or performing arts, will be motivated to work in a busy but exciting environment, and will want to be part of a team contributing to a lively downtown arts environment. Every level of operations at SPACE involves volunteers, and we expect that interns will identify interest areas for building experience and developing skills.
Scheduling of work time can flexible to fit each intern’s needs. Generally, our administrative staff keeps office hours Wednesday through Friday 10–6pm. A commitment of 8-15 hours / week for at least 12 weeks is preferred. All internships are unpaid and arrangements for school credit are encouraged if applicable.
Schoodic Arts for All
427 Main Street, P.O. Box 174, Winter Harbor, Maine 04693
Schedule: June through August
Benefits: Stipend, experience, training, arts workshop participation
To Apply: Please email gro.llarofstracidoohcs@yrualyram to arrange for a phone interview.
Organization: Schoodic Arts for All is a high-level performances, cultural programming and workshops made available to all who wish to participate regardless of their financial position. The mission of Schoodic Arts for All is to bring together and provide opportunities for people of all ages to experience and appreciate the arts. Since our beginning in 1999, Schoodic Arts for All has been an integral part of our community as an arts presenting organization. In addition, we also are a centerpiece for the downtown renovation, a positive influence on the economic situation, a resource for the schools in our district and a venue for the community events in our town. We provide many ongoing programs in the genre of music and theater at a cost that we keep to a price that our constituents can afford. Our programs include: The Schoodic Arts Festival, Classical and Jazz Concert Series, Summer Chorus, Theater Lab, Show Choir, Show Choir Junior, Steel pan band, Pandemonium kids pan band.
Intern Position: Help with fundraising events and programs, assist registrations, collate and report on evaluations of program, assist instructors, stage manage performances, projection, sound support, lighting, curate art exhibit, general computer work. In exchange we provide mentorship in all aspects mentioned above as well as provide experience in the daily operations of an award winning non profit. Our aim is to feed the pleasure of our interns by integrating them into their particular areas of interest. At the same time we enable exposure to artists and performers who may become valued connections to our interns as they embark on their careers. Our hope and goal is to create an access point to their future by introducing them to over 100 individuals who are engaged in creative activity in a wide range of interest areas.
Qualifications: Proficiency in apple computers, some software experience, design ability and social skills. Must have a strong work ethic and a positive and flexible “can do” attitude, must have computer skills and an aptitude to learn unfamiliar systems, must have excellent organizational and communications skills, must have a desire to support the mission of Schoodic Arts for All, must be a self-starter and work well with others, self motivated and self checking. Also desirable traits would be; artistic, personable, willingness to work hours as necessary, flexible. Preference may be given to the candidate who has a local connection to the area and/or can demonstrate that he/she has an interest in being involved with a community-based arts organization.
Snow Pond Center for the Arts
8 Goldenrod Lane, Sidney, Maine 04330
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Snow Pond's Director of Development can work with you to customize your internship for your maximum benefit. Options include marketing, social media, website design, special event planning, and more. This is non-paid position, however, lunch is included everyday and event tickets are available.
To Apply: Please contact Christa Johnson at gro.dnopwons@nosnhoj.atsirhc or by phone at 844-476-6976 ext. 203
Organization: The broad goal for Snow Pond Center for the Arts is to be an “Engaged Creative Community” – a place that brings people and ideas together. Snow Pond is now the site for retreats, weddings, educational and training conferences, the Alfond Pond Hockey Tournament, and lake association activities. Partnerships in arts, education, recreation, and community are being formed with local businesses, cultural organizations, and especially with the central Maine Colleges (UMA, Thomas, Colby, KVCC).
To promote a creative community focused on enriching the quality of life for central Maine residents and its visitors by fostering the sharing of varied arts and cultural, educational, and recreational experiences in an atmosphere of engaged participation by persons of all ages.
Intern Position: Responsibilities of a Snow Pond Intern include, but are not limited to:
Assist with website, marketing, social media functions
Assist with special events including concerts and other live performances
Assist with other projects as assigned
Assist with research for grants, and possible assistance writing grants
Assist with some administrative work
Qualifications: The applicant should have an interest in the arts or live performances. No experience necessary. Dedication and efficient time management are a must.
7 Lincoln Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, joy, laughter
To Apply: Please contact Liz McGhee at 207/725-8820 or gro.eniamfoai@eehgcme
Organization: Over 40 artists work in a variety of mediums, including painting and drawing, ceramics and woodworking, weaving and other fiber and fabric arts. In addition, the artists write poetry and stories, and express themselves through acting and other performing arts. Their work has been exhibited widely, and they are well known and respected members of Maine’s artistic community. Spindleworks is a non profit art center for adults with disabilities and a program of the Independence Association of Brunswick Maine, whose mission is to help children and adults with disabilities achieve full and inclusive lives in their chosen community. Artists attending the program receive supplies, studio space, and guidance as needed. Their work is exhibited in the Whatnot Gallery and Store at Spindleworks as well as in shows both locally
Intern Position: The internship would be developed in conjunction with the Program Manager, and incorporating if applicable, requirements from school/class the individual is enrolled in. 1.general support of daily operations, facilitating artists at work 2.general upkeep of studios, gallery and store 3. assistance during workshops/ group activities Other specific duties can be developed based upon an individual's interest to include leading workshops, grant research and writing, exhibit coordination, documenting artwork, support with social networking sites and website, etc.
Qualifications: Self starter, motivated and self directed, mature and flexible, trustworthy, able to keep information confidential, out going, able to multitask, and support individuals with a wide range of abilities. Experience within the arts (visual, written, performing, etc.) a must. Experience with individuals with disabilities not a requirement.
Starlight Acting Institute
Emmanuelle Chaulet P.O. Box 171, Gorham, Maine 04038
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, free book
To Apply: Please send an email with qualifications (resume) and motivation and availability to gro.gnitcathgilrats@ezigrene
Organization:: Individual coaching/training business for actors, artists, and creative people. Coaching sessions are available in person and online, by phone or video. Also offering workshops. Coaching on: self-esteem & creativity blocks, stress relief techniques, performance anxiety, post-performance stress, emotional resonance issues, creativity development, stage presence, creating characters, recovering balance, reclaiming of personal power. Also distributing a book: A BALANCING ACT, (©2008) for actors and performing artists. Starlight Acting Institute is a one person practice. It is not a non-profit organization.
Intern Position: Online Social Media Marketing Internship
Responsibilities Include: Marketing the Institute's activities with online social media to drive book sales and sessions booking. Duties would include: posting links to blog on facebook, Linkedin, tweeter and on related groups and forums. Developing the image, driving traffic to the website and increasing the newsletter sign up. Some other marginal office tasks such as shipping/mailing of the books and answering email, if needed. Flexible time and hours. Personal computer a must. Preferably a Mac as all documents are on mac.
Qualifications: Good knowledge of Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. Attention to details, good spelling, grammar, and good online etiquette. Appreciation of film, theatre, acting, and holistic practices such as yoga, or mindfulness. Respect of deadlines, ability to complete a task. Professionalism, reactivity. No procrastinators please!
The Everyman Repertory Theatre
P.O. Box 938, Rockport, Maine 04856
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, school credit, expenses
To Apply: Please email the artistic director, Paul Hodgson, gro.pernamyreve@nosgdohp
Organization: A professional theatre company committed to providing excellence in theatre in the greater Penobscot Bay area.
Intern Position: Interns in the past have taken subsidiary roles on stage and off, including light board operation, set construction, sound board operation, design assistance, directorial assistance, stage management and assistant stage management, props management, costume design and management.
Qualifications: We would expect interns to have completed at least one year of a professional theatre arts course.
The Longfellow Chorus
C/O Charles Kaufmann P.O. Box 5133, Portland, Maine 04101
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities: Evangeline, or The Belle of Acadia (Victorian Musical Comedy/Burlesque) 1) March 21-25, 2016 (Design) and March 29-April 3, 2016, (Design, Production Staging, Prompting) Portland.
Benefits: Experience, Tickets to Performances for Friends and Family
To Apply: Please contact Charles Kaufmann, artistic director, moc.surohcwollefgnol@rotcerid or phone 207/232-8920
Organization: The Corporation shall organize and maintain a chorus to perform and record vocal and choral settings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poetry, written from 1840 to the present, shall inspire and commission new vocal and choral settings of Longfellow's poetry, and shall perform choral music of the Romantic and immediate post-Romantic eras, ca. 1825-1920.
Intern Position: Prompters; Assistants to Staging Director; Assistants to Director of Design
Qualifications: The applicant must be self-motivated and capable of working independently. Experience in theater and musicals preferred but not required. Prompters will help actors with memorized lines during rehearsals and performances March 29-April 3, 2016. Assistants to the Director of Staging will help coordinate backstage activities during rehearsals and performances March 29-April 3, 2016. Assistants to the Director of Design will help make scenery and costumes, March 21-25, 2016, and March 29-April 3, 2016. Design assistants must be confident with either 1) basic scene construction materials (hammer, cutting implements, etc.) or 2) basic seamstress/tailoring skills.
The Museum of African Art & Culture
13 Brown Street, Portland Maine 04101
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Great experience; school credits
To Apply: Contact us at 207/871-7188 or 207/899-6428 or e-mail: gro.erutlucnacirfamuesum@tracirfa
Organization: MofAAC is a non-profit 501c(3) organization, founded in 1998 and located in Portland's Arts District. The Museum currently houses over 10,000 pieces. The Mission of the Museum is to: 1) Education through the use of art, music, storytelling, films, poetry, literature, healing ceremonies and other Sub-Saharan African cultural traditions 2) To interpret and preserve a unique collection of African art and artifacts 3) To enrich the communities of Maine and beyond through the celebration of diversity Educational Programs In support of the Museum mission and our value of education, the Museum offers very dynamic, experiential and informative educational programs in the Museum and at other locations all over Northern New England. These programs meet the needs of both large and small groups, of all ages, through presentation.
Intern Position: Administrative and Marketing Development Positions Administrative assistance: data management, educational programming, manage in house programming and Contemporary Art Gallery shows, website design and management Marketing: educational programming, membership, publicity using all digital marketing media, FB & e-mails communications, advertising, cataloging, seek new avenues for visibility Grants: educational outreach programming grants, preservation, administration and other programming, seek corporate sponsorship and partners Fund raising: Capital campaign, Annual Plan giving
Qualifications: Experience with fund raising, a graduate or under graduate student, ability to communicate and work with others.
The Public Theatre
31 Maple Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: EMC points, housing, and possible stipend
To Apply: Please submit a cover letter stating the internship you are applying for, a résumé, and 2 names of reference to: Janet Mitchko, The Public Theatre, 31 Maple Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 or e-mail us at gro.ertaehtcilbupeht@ofni.
Organization: The Public Theatre is a 307 seat professional Equity Theatre located in Lewiston, Maine. Only at The Public Theatre will you find the best plays from Broadway and Off-Broadway featuring the finest professional actors from New York to Los Angeles, for a top ticket price of only $18! Nationally recognized for its artistic excellence, The Public Theatre produces uplifting and provocative theatre, October thru May
Intern Position: A Directing Intern will serve as Assistant Director. He/She will work closely with the Director and the Equity cast on all aspects of the production and will also perform Assistant Stage Manager duties. He/She will also be expected to attend all rehearsals and production meetings. A Stage Management Intern will serve as Assistant Stage Manager for a production. He/She will work closely with the Equity Stage Manager on all aspects of pre-production, rehearsal and performance. An Acting Internship is given out only on an audition basis for a specific role. Acting interns will be present at all rehearsals and will be expected to perform the role in which they are cast. They will also serve as ASM's when not in rehearsal for their role. We also offer acting interns the opportunity for a free monologue and/or audition coaching session with the Artistic Directors. A Marketing/Development Intern will work closely with the office staff.
Qualifications: We are looking for responsible and mature interns with a knowledge and love of theatre and a willingness to learn. All interns receive a hands-on education. As The Public Theatre operates under the guidance of a small staff, there is no bureaucracy to get lost in and every effort is valued. Interns are assured of receiving individual tasks and individual attention. Our interns work and study with professionals and have an opportunity to become an integral part of The Public Theatre.
Tides Institute & Museum of Art
P.O. Box 161 (43 Water Street) Eastport, ME 04631
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Experience, housung, hourly wage
To Apply: Please submit an application through Submittable at the following link: https://studioworks.submittable.com/submit
For questions about the North Atlantic Internship, please contact Kristin McKinlay at gro.etutitsnisedit@yalnikcmk
Organization: Located on the border between New England and the Atlantic Provinces, the Tides Institute & Museum of Art (TIMA) looks out to sweeping views of neighboring Canadian islands. The Institute’s activities reflect this cross-border perspective. TIMA acts as both a cultural resource as well as cultural catalyst with significant collections, summer exhibitions, and educational programs. Our StudioWorks facility houses a printmaking/letterpress studio and artist-in-residence program.
Intern Position: North Atlantic Internship. Interns selected to be part of the Institute’s program gain experience assisting staff members with program development, community outreach efforts, public relations/marketing initiatives, database projects (collections management, event listings, digital media editing), social media updates (Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram), staffing the gallery and special events, assisting with exhibition installations, and providing support to artists-in-residence.
Qualifications: Candidates may be enrolled in a degree program or may be recent graduates. Those currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program will ideally be a junior or senior in the current school year. Candidates must have a field of interest or study that relates to the mission of the Tides Institute & Museum of Art.
Waterfall Arts
Belfast Maine
Schedule: Ongoing opportunities
Benefits: Possible college credit
To Apply: Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume, and references to gro.strallafretaw@ofni
Organization: Waterfall Arts is a Community Arts Organization providing classes for all ages in various media, Gallery, Artists Studios.
Intern Position: There are many opportunities available through the Internship program at Waterfall Arts to suit a range of interests and programs of study. Waterfall Arts interns become integral members of our vibrant community arts center and gain first-hand experience in arts administration, education, and programming. Internships are unpaid – school credit is both recommended and preferred. Scheduling can be flexible to fit an intern’s availability, but is generally framed around a trimester schedule: January – April, May – August, September – December.
Arts Administration Internship -- Reports to: Administrative Coordinator
Key Responsibilities:
General Administrative Support; Phones/Filing/Mailings
Meet and Greet Visitors
Assist with Class and Workshop Registration
Database Content Support
Events & Exhibition Support
Arts Education Internship -- Reports to: Program Director
Key Responsibilities:
Assist in Coordination of Educational Offerings with Program Committee
Liaison with and Assist Teaching Artists
Support Youth Programs
Prep for Workshops and Classes
Assist Studio Managers with Public Studio Schedules and Maintenance
Event & Exhibition Support
Marketing Internship -- Reports to: Marketing Manager
Key Responsibilities:
Assist with Design and Production of Promo Materials
Community Outreach Activity Support
Research and Write Blog Posts
Photo documentation and archiving
Website Content Management
Event & Exhibition Support
Qualifications: Desire to make connections with local artists while working together to help Waterfall Arts grow