Looking for A Teaching Artist...
The legacy Teaching Artist and Creative Aging Rosters were removed from the website on January 24, 2025. Instead, the Maine Arts Commission will be serving all Maine teaching artists in the following ways:
- Encourage all Maine teaching artists to set up or update a profile in CreativeGround, which will have its own presence on our website. CreativeGround is a free, robust searchable directory for creative people and places in New England. You can get easily listed, and easily found. (More information below and at creativeground.org.)
- Proactively direct the public, especially those seeking teaching artists, to CreativeGround through our website, programming, partnerships, and communications.
- Continuously collect information from teaching artists; we want to know who and where they are teaching, what they need to succeed, and ways they want to grow.
- Initiate and grow partnerships with regional, state and local entities to support teaching artist residencies in schools, community centers, libraries, programs for older adults, veterans’ services, after-school programs, correctional, recovery and re-entry centers, and more.
- Offer and promote learning and networking opportunities specifically for teaching artists.
- At this time, to be more equitable and expand access, all teaching artists listed in CreativeGround will be promoted, not only those who were on our Rosters in the past.
What is Creative Ground?
CreativeGround is a project of Maine Arts Commission’s partner, the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA.) It is the dynamic regional directory that celebrates the vital work of New England's creative people and places. CreativeGround is a community-generated and free tool that supports a region-wide creative network.
Who's on Creative Ground?

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Need Help? Book time with Martha →
Please join us in the effort to make Creative Ground, New England's premier database for arts and culture, the go-to place to connect directly with Maine’s creative sector.
Upcoming Opportunities
Creative Aging
In 2024, the Maine Arts Commission began a partnership with the Maine Council on Aging (MCOA) to develop a statewide, sustainable Creative Aging program. The two agencies assembled a Creative Aging Advisory Council to recommend best practices, and then determined roles and responsibilities of the local and statewide partners.
At the same time, The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced they would direct funds towards State Arts Agencies for Health Arts programming in 2025. We believe that Creative Aging is Health Arts programming and are pursuing NEA funds to help grow this program in Maine.
As a first step, the Maine Arts Commission invites all teaching artists interested in Creative Aging – working with older adults – to create or update your profile in CreativeGround. (see above) As you create your profile, you can select multiple ways to describe your work so people can find you through their searches. For instance, you can select Teaching Artist or Creative Aging as two of your categories.
In 2025, we will roll out new information about the Creative Aging program, trainings and convenings here on the Maine Arts Commission website. Until then, we will direct people who are asking about Creative Aging teaching artists to the CreativeGround database.
Additional Resources
- Creative Aging Collaborative (Co-Lab)
Lifetime Arts (where many of you received your Creative Aging training) has just launched a Creative Aging Collaborative (The Co-Lab) a vibrant and interactive online community for creative aging practitioners. - Creative Aging Website - Coming Soon
ME Council on Aging is currently developing a website focusing just on creative aging so check back soon - New England Teaching Artist Collaborative (NETAC)
NETAC is a Collective Impact initiative serving, with leadership from, the six New England states. Their Common Agenda is to create a rigorous teaching artist professional development program that builds and promotes exemplary models of school and community partnerships. - Teaching Artists Guild (TAG)
TAG is a national practitioner-led community which raises the visibility and development of artists who teach. One of their many resources is a Teaching Artist Pay Rate Calculator. - Side x Side
A Portland, Maine–based nonprofit organization that is driven to help students and teachers connect to what they are learning and to themselves, helping them to feel engaged, confident, and an integral part of their community. We provide creative, dynamic, arts-integrated classroom programming and professional development. - Stockton Rush Bartol Foundation
The Philadelphia-based Bartol Foundation supports the professional development of teaching artists as the most direct way to improve the quality and reach of the region’s arts education programs. They have a robust training program and resources on trauma-informed practice. - Assets for Artists
The Maine Arts Commission is thrilled to announce a partnership with the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (Mass MoCA) to offer professional development workshops that are open to ANY artist ANYWHERE in Maine, and for FREE!
For more information about services for Teaching Artists, please connect with Program Director Martha Piscuskas: vog.eniam@saksucsip.ahtram
For more information regarding Creative Aging programming, please reach out to Program Director Khristina Kurasz: vog.eniam@zsaruK.anitsirhK.