Millay House Rockland Writer-in-Residence program
- March 03, 2025
Millay House Rockland, in partnership with the Ellis Beauregard Foundation, is pleased to announce our open call for two, one-month, juried residencies for writers of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, screenplays, or expository journalism.
Two residents will be chosen, one for October 2025 and the other for July 2026. Each residency comes with a stipend and one month's accommodation in the house where Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Edna St. Vincent Millay was born. Some details:
Applicants must be U.S. citizens, 21 years old or older, and not currently enrolled in an educational program at the time of the residency.
Applicants must submit their resumeas well as examples of their work in a PDF format. Prose writers should submit up to 25 pages of a novel, short stories, play, or nonfiction writing, double spaced and formatted in 12-point type. Poets should submit no more than ten pages of poetry with each poem beginning on a new page, formatted in 12-point type. Works may be previously published or in process.
Applicants must submit a short statement about the project they plan to work on and why they want this residency.
This is a solo residency: no partners, friends, or spouses may accompany the writer. Each residency is open to one person only. No group projects will be considered.
Each resident chosen will be asked to offer one public event while they are in residence: a reading, workshop, or a conversation with writing students and/or the general public.
This year's final juror is Gretel Ehrlich, essayist and poet. Gretel is the author of three books of narrative essays, a novel, two memoirs, three books of poetry, a biography, a book of ethnology, and a children’s book, among others. Perhaps her best-known work is The Solace of Open Spaces, about which Annie Dillard said: Wyoming has found its Whitman. She has received the PEN West Award for Nonfiction, the PEN New England Henry David Thoreau Award for Nature Writing, the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award for Distinguished Prose, and a Whiting Award.
For more details about the residency and Millay House Rockland, visit us HERE.
Submissions close on April 1, 2025, please make your submission HERE.
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Contact Information
Liz Kalloch
P.O. Box 831Rockland ME 04841