#OurStoryIsOne Exhibit at the Portland Public Library Lewis Gallery

  • Date: July 6, 2024 - September 13, 2024
  • Location: Lewis Gallery, Portland Public Library, Portland

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#OurStoryIsOne recalls the tragic execution of 10 Baha'i women in Shiraz, Iran for choosing to stand up for their beliefs in justice and equality. Their story continues to echo in the resilient women all over the world who walk the same path and make the same choice.

Maine artists were invited to respond to this theme. Robin Brooks is exhibiting three artworks from her Foremothers Project. #OurStoryIsOne will be on display at the Lewis Gallery through September 13th, 2024. The gallery is open during regular library hours and from 5-7 PM during the First Friday Artwalks in August and September. 


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Lewis Gallery, Portland Public Library

5 Monument Square
Portland  ME  04011 


Portland Public Library

Rachael Harkness
207) 871-1700