• Date: September 7, 2024
  • Location: Waterfall Arts, Belfast

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September 7 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

$65.00 – $85.00


Come try reduction linoleum block printmaking with artist Paul Valentine.

It is time to bring color into the mix of your prints! Join us and learn how to carve a colorful reduction linoleum print. This technique uses only one block, slowly carving it away as each layer is printed on top of the one prior. The final layer is usually the black outline, and it will have every other color printed underneath it. The really exciting part is that the mark making that you can get with this technique is totally different than with traditional multi-block.

We will be discussing image transfers, how to register (align) your blocks when printing, carving techniques, and inking strategies that can add depth and complexity to your image. 

All materials and tools needed will be supplied. Bring any source imagery that you would like to work on. This class is for folks ages 15 and up who have a basic understanding of relief printmaking or related medium. This is a great companion course to Colorful Relief Printmaking on August 10 using multiple blocks!!

About the instructor: Paul Valentine graduated from the University of Tennessee with a degree in architecture. He has worked as a museum exhibit designer and as an architectural designer before switching to focus full time on creating art. He has exhibited artwork and painted murals in Qatar, Italy, Russia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, and the United States and participated in a 9-month Artist Residency at the FireStation Museum in Qatar. He has dedicated a significant portion of his life to exploring the natural world, having trekked over 10,000 kilometers of long-distance trails including walking across the US twice on the Appalachian Trail and Pacific Crest Trail, and the Te Araroa Trail in New Zealand. The impact that sleeping under the stars for almost 2 years during these adventures has had on his work cannot be overstated. Seeing the first-hand effects that we are having on the world propels him to use his art to help inspire people to take better care of the beautiful and magical places we have all around us.


Waterfall Arts

256 High Street

Belfast, ME 04915



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Waterfall Arts

Belfast  ME  04915 


Waterfall Arts

Katherine Devereux