Kantele Laulu, Inc./The Maine Kantele Consort

100 North Raymond Rd., Gray, ME 04039-7728

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About the Artist

The kantele is a traditional Finnish lap-harp ranging in size from 5, 10 or 15 strings to upward of 30 strings. The Maine Kantele Consort has been in existence since November 2000 and has been performing publicly since June 2001. It is possible to combine a performance with a lecture/demonstration of the kantele and its importance in the Finnish culture. This is a one-of-a-kind ensemble in the state of Maine, and possibly New England.

Category: Performing Group

Preferred Audiences: College, Adult

Disciplines: Music

Contact Information

Kantele Laulu, Inc./The Maine Kantele Consort

100 North Raymond Rd.
Gray  ME  04039-7728 
