Kevin J. Dowling

64 Norway Drive, Woolwich, ME 04579-4473

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About the Artist

Kevin Dowling is currently the school social worker at Lincoln Academy. He has trained hundreds of schools and organizations across Maine,the United States and Canada in the medium of Interactive Theater. This process uses drama to promote the discussion of socially sensitive issues. Casts have been recognized by numerous organizations, both nationally and locally, for the positive work done with Interactive Theater. As a director of Interactive Theater, Kevin has also been honored for his positive promotion of the craft on a national level. Trainings include basic theater techniques as well as those specific to Interactive Theater. Adventure based programming is also used to keep the workshops fun and exciting.

Category: Arts Educator

Preferred Audiences: College, Adult

Disciplines: Theatre

Contact Information

Kevin J. Dowling

64 Norway Drive
Woolwich  ME  04579-4473 
