Bobbie A Tilkens-Fisher

73 HIGH ST, Thomaston, ME 04861

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About the Artist

I consider myself a "modern tapestry weaver."

As a craftsperson, I find it absolutely necessary to understand my predecessors, the traditions and basic techniques of tapestry weaving. As a modernist, I then push myself to reinterpret, deconstruct and reconstruct those traditions and techniques into a distinct style and voice.

In doing so, I am giving myself permission to "do things the wrong way" - to bend tradition, break rules and push forward. This is very freeing, because it opens me up to a world where there are no real mistakes - a world where I can be playful and uninhibited. When I begin weaving, I start with color and begin composing without a predetermined path. That means that sometimes I pivot and change my mind about a color or a shape mid piece, requiring me to unweave and reweave that section. To me, this is exploration and continuation, not correction.

Category: Artist

Preferred Audiences: All, Grades 4-8, Grades 9-12, College, Adult

Disciplines: Traditional Arts, Visual Arts, Visual Art, Visual Arts, Fiber, Textile, Weaving, Crafts, Traditional Arts

Contact Information

Bobbie A Tilkens-Fisher

Thomaston  ME  04861 


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