Deena S. Ball

53 Falmouth Road , Falmouth , ME 04105

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About the Artist

When I decide to paint a scene, I'm often inspired by the way light interacts with the landscape. The clear northern light, expansive vistas, light refracting off jagged shoreline rocks, and the perpetual shimmer of the ocean all serve as sources of inspiration. I'm also captivated by how light dances among the dense pines, birch and oaks in the forest.

On foggy days, I shift my focus to the changing colors and subtle value shifts. As I paint, a specific mood emerges from capturing the effects of light. The sun sparkling across rocks and ocean is invigorating, while the dawn's early light, turning the world pink and tranquil, brings a sense of calm and hope.

The Maine landscape also has a darker, stormier side, with deep pine woods where silence prevails, powerful rivers that can wash out roads, and a rising ocean that threatens and claims human creations. Perhaps it's the frequent gloomy skies that make an artist appreciate the nuances of gray and the profound impact of sunlight.

My paintings aim to capture a moment in time and evoke an emotional response from the viewer, fostering a greater collective appreciation for our land and nature.

Category: Artist

Preferred Audiences: All

Disciplines: Visual Arts, Visual Art

Contact Information

Deena S. Ball

53 Falmouth Road
Falmouth   ME  04105 

412 606 8808

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