Ken W. Hendricksen

205 Commercial Street, Rockport, ME 04856

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About the Artist

I am a self-taught artist who was brought up in Maine's Aroostook County, in a nice little town called Limestone.
I believe toil is one of the best teacher, meaning the more you do the better you get at what you do.
My work can speak for itself, I didn't start yesterday with the art part. :-)

Category: Artist

Preferred Audiences: Grades 9-12, College, Adult

Disciplines: College, Traditional Arts, Design Arts, Graphic Design, Visual Arts, Media Arts, Film/video, Museums, Visual Art, Historical, Cultural, Maritime, Visual Arts, Drawing, Charcoal, Graphite, Ink, Pastels, Jewelry, Painting, Oil/Acrylic, Murals, Portrait, Watercolor, Works of, Photography, Black and White, Color, Digital, Installation, Printmaking, Lithograph, Monoprint, Serigraph, Sculpture, Multi-Disciplinary, Traditional Arts

Contact Information

Ken W. Hendricksen

205 Commercial Street
Rockport  ME  04856 


Artist Media Links

Painting the Veiled Christ
Maine Christmas
The Lincoln Conspirators

Learn More