
20 Pleasant Pond Road, Turner, ME 04282-3327

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About the Artist

Many find the subject matter of my art to be eclectic and it is... It is a reflection of an eclectic life. Daughter. Dressmaker. Sister. Gardener. Musician. Humanitarian aid worker. Mother. Nursing home activities director. Bird watcher. Trainer. Business owner. Hospital volunteer. Song writer. Computer programmer. Lover. Advertising Account Executive. Secretary. Friend. Actress. Singer. Grandmother. Citizen of the world. Artist.

Underlying the eclecticism, and as a result of a nomadic life, is simultaneously the search for roots as well as a celebration of the joy and peace to be found in solitude. Much of my art springs from my musings about the people and places I?ve been and seen.

The answers may never come. For the moment, they remain suspended in the medium of my art and I still find joy in solitude and a nomadic life.

Category: Artist

Preferred Audiences: Adult

Disciplines: Visual Arts, Painting

Contact Information


20 Pleasant Pond Road
Apt No. 4
Turner  ME  04282-3327 
