FlanaganThea & Timothy

379 Levenseller Rd, E .Holden, ME 04429-7317

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About the Artist

Tim Flanagan's paintings are based upon an emotional response to the Yin and Yang of light's fluidity, the stillness and the motion, the light and the dark. Through the use of glazing with acrylic colors, Tim often works for weeks at a time in order to achieve the intense imagery that has become the hallmark of his work.

Tim Flanagan's work has been nationally recognized in the 1996 book "The Best of Acrylic Painting" by Rockport Publishers - distributed by North Light Books. His paintings continue to be juried into both national and international exhibitions, and they are being collected with an ever growing sphere of individuals and businesses.

Category: Artist

Disciplines: Painting

Contact Information

FlanaganThea & Timothy

379 Levenseller Rd
E .Holden  ME  04429-7317 


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