Timothy Richardson

4 Lovell Landing Road, Lovell, ME 04051

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About the Artist

Timothy Richardson is a classical poet whose work has impressed some of the finest poets in this country including Nobel Prize winner, Joseph Brodsky.

(featured graphic about film, ""The Force of Poetry"")

""The Force of Poetry"" is a reading, presentation and talk on the meaning, mechanics and significance of poetry given by Timothy Richardson using his own work.

The film goes far beyond a poetry reading. It uses the visual medium of film to put poetry on the screen, line by line, as it is being read. Further, when Timothy explains the complexities of formal forms, lines are highlighted to explain rhythm and rhyme.

In its endorsement, Maine Public Broadcasting wrote: ""The effect is to inject life and heartbeat into what is often thought of as an inert, hard-to-read art form, and the result is educational and entertaining.""

""The Force of Poetry"" is available in DVD or streaming download.

Category: Writer/Publisher

Preferred Audiences: College, Adult

Disciplines: Poetry, Media Arts

Contact Information

Timothy Richardson

4 Lovell Landing Road
Lovell  ME  04051 


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