Randy Regier

74 Smith Street, Portland, ME 04101

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About the Artist

In 1928 the German literary critic Walter Benjamin wrote in his essay, The Cultural History of Toys, that, ""Children do not constitute a community cut off from everything else...their toys cannot bear witness to any autonomous separate existence, but rather are a silent signifying dialogue between them [children] and their nation."" This is not only true for toys (of which much of my work is concerned), but for all manner of objects - artifacts - from our collective past that are formed and fabricated by human hands and intentions. My studio practice is the construction of both fictional narratives and their related material artifacts that rise from my knowledge and experiences of growing up in the 20th century in the United States. My artistic practice is essentially an attempt to understand to come to terms with, and find community in my relationship to my culture and country.

Category: Artist

Preferred Audiences: College, Adult

Disciplines: Visual Arts, Printmaking, Sculpture

Contact Information

Randy Regier

74 Smith Street
Portland  ME  04101 


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