Amanda Matthews Fields

132 Rosswoods Dr., Pewee Valley, KY 40056

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About the Artist

The natural world is my source of inspiration as a professional sculptor. I have adopted the motto: ""Trees can dance. Humans have roots in the soil."" Although fanciful, it signifies that my motivation is born from our species'' innate connection with Nature. Or as Thoreau put it, ""It is the marriage of the soul with Nature that makes the intellect fruitful, and gives birth to imagination.?

I ascribe to a common Native American belief that everything is alive and connected--and embodies a spirit. For the ancient Greeks, the spirit of a tree was represented in female human form, which they called a dryad. For me it is the dryad, a tutelary goddess and totem, which represents the highest embodiment of our oneness with nature.

Bronze Sculpture. Please see for more information.

Category: Artist

Preferred Audiences: Adult

Disciplines: Visual Arts, Sculpture

Contact Information

Amanda Matthews Fields

132 Rosswoods Dr.
Pewee Valley  KY  40056 


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