Scott Minzy

58 Smithtown Road, Pittston, ME 04345

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About the Artist

My work is about the universal themes of fear, regret and longing. In my prints these feelings are made manifest with an intricates network of wiry, anantomical lines, delicate and twisted. I find relief printing a way yo depict both our inner turmoil and the outer physicality of the human form at once. Sometimes this might appear on the surfaceof the skin or take the shape of an organic addition or perminant subtraction.

I am committted to creating a world in which I make a statement about the nature of reality and my own involvement within that reality. To this end I bring my creations to life in the form of animations and in doing so, help the viewer to see our latent common emotions.

Category: Artist

Disciplines: Design Arts, Media Arts, Visual Arts, Printmaking

Contact Information

Scott Minzy

58 Smithtown Road
Pittston  ME  04345 


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