David Klenk

300 West Gray Road, Gray, ME 04039

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About the Artist

I have been making fine furniture in a shop in Gray, Maine for over 23 years. During that time I have experimented with many kinds of furniture styles and philosophies. I have come to the perception that quality is a result of subtle expressions of design and a persistent effort to improve the user's experience of the work. I think my work illustrates this awareness.

The persistence to improve the quality is illustrated in the refinement of function and sophistication of the furniture's details. I hope this shows in the photos, it is the essential intention when I start a new design.

My work is effortful, subtle and intended to last forever. Each piece is made individually. The forms are intentionally simple and familiar so that people can focus on the subtle design details, craftsmanship, and finish.

Much of the effort is done with hand tools, especially the joinery. It is necessary to express the refinement of the shapes and proportions of a piece. The finish is also time-consuming and requires patience to polish the surfaces to a soft glowing sheen.

Category: Artist

Preferred Audiences: All

Disciplines: Crafts

Contact Information

David Klenk

300 West Gray Road
Gray  ME  04039 


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