26th Annual Last Minute Christmas Arts & Craft Fair at the Augusta Armory
- Date: December 15, 2018 - December 16, 2018
- Time: 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Location: Augusta Armory, Augusta

Maine Made Crafts will host its 26th Annual Last Minute Christmas Arts & Craft Fair at the Augusta Armory featuring quality artists & crafters from Maine and New England selling their one of a kind hand made products that you will be proud to give as gifts. Saturday & Sunday December 15 & 16, 2018 10-4 PM both days, located at 179 Western Ave., Rt 202 (across from Burger King) off I-95 exit 109. It's the perfect time to pick up your holiday gifts purchased from our talented artisans. Give a gift with meaning, give a gift of quality, give a gift made in the USA at our craft show at the Augusta Armory. Purchase your last minute gifts in one place and our last show of the 2018 season. For more information call Steven @ 207-946-7079, STpromo37@aol.com or LTpromo@aol.com Promoted by Maine Made Crafts www.newenglandcraftfairs.com
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Augusta Armory
179 Western AveAugusta ME 04330
Maine Made Crafts
Lois Taylor706-843-9188