Grant: $1,500This grant supports a series of six classes for all phases of folk art mural painting, three classes for youth and three classes for adults. All classes will produce murals to be displayed. Adults and children will learn all phases of prep work at their appropriate levels from photography, sketching, choosing materials, history and actually completing murals. The classes will culminate in a celebration and exhibit at the Bridgton Community Center. The murals will be moveable and available for exhibition in other parts of the Lakes Region on invitation. This is a community building across generation’s project, encouraging appreciation for the area’s history, folk arts and artists. It is hoped that it will inspire more artists.
Grant: $1,500This grant will support the 2013 Mellie Dunham Shoe & String Festival. This festival highlights the long standing tradition of snowshoe making in Norway, Maine. The festival will include a two- month long exhibit of snowshoes made in Norway, one lecture on the snowshoe industries, one lecture on Mellie Dunham, a weeklong snowshoe making apprenticeship with Brian Theriault, and a public presentation by Brian on snow shoe making. The morning of the festival there will be snowshoe races and games, followed by an afternoon of traditional fiddle and dance music in the Norway Grange.