Employee Art Show 2025

Open Call for Art: Maine Employee Art Exhibition

We at the Maine Arts Commission recognize that creativity exists in all of us and how we express it is unique. When we have an opportunity to showcase our creativity, and that creativity is acknowledged, we feel pride, connection, and affirmation in ourselves and our talents.

State of Maine employees have the opportunity to participate in the Maine Employee Art Exhibition at the State Capitol Complex in Augusta. This exhibition is designed to give artists at all skill levels a unique opportunity to exhibit their creative work and compete for cash prizes. Maine employees (and their families) are invited to submit artwork to be considered for this exciting new exhibit. Participants must be a current employee or immediate family member of a current employee of the State of Maine.


  • Participants must be an employee, or an immediate family member of an employee of the State of Maine.
  • Only 1 entry per artist will be admitted. Only the first 105 artists to register will be accepted due to space limitations.
  • All entries submitted must be the original work of the applicant completed within the last three years and not previously submitted.
  • The National Arts Program and the State of Maine reserve the right to disqualify any entries they consider to be unacceptable or inappropriate for a public exhibit.

Preparing Entries:

  • Entrants may submit only entries that fit into the listed medium categories.
  • All artwork will need an NAP identification label placed on the back (provided at drop off).
  • All 2-dimensional entries should be matted, framed and/or ready to hang with wire securely across the back.
  • All 2-dimensional work must measure no more than 48” in any direction or weigh more than 40 pounds.
  • All 3-dimensional work must measure no more than 14" in any direction.
  • Artwork that does not meet size limitations or specifications will be disqualified before judging.

Rules of Exhibit:

  • Deadline:
    This Registration Form must be received no later than June 27, 2025 to participate in this exhibit. Only the first 105 artists to register will be accepted due to space limitations. The registration will be cut off once we have reached the maximum number of submissions.
  • Delivering Entries:
    All entries must be delivered from July 21st through July 31st between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm at the Cross Building, 111 Sewall Street, Augusta, ME 04330.
  • Reception & Awards:
    A reception and presentation of awards will be held the week of August 25th in the Education and Cultural Affairs Legislative Chambers, 111 Sewall Street. The exact date and time of the awards reception will be communicated to participants via email once it has been determined.
    • Prizes will be awarded by classification:
      1. Adult (Amateur, Intermediate and Professional):
        • Three First Place Awards of $350
        • Three Second Place Awards of $250
        • Three Third Place Awards of $150
      2. Best of Show: Award of $400 :
      3. Youth:
        • First Place Award of $150
        • Second Place Award of $100
        • Third Place Award of $50
      4. Teen:
        • First Place Award of $150
        • Second Place Award of $100
        • Third Place Award of $50
      5. Art Education : Award of $200
    • Additional awards including Honorable Mentions will be awarded at the discretion of the judges.
    • Awards are limited to one cash award per artist per classification.
  • Public Exhibit :
    The exhibit is free and will be open to the public from August 1 - October 24, 2025.
  • Retrieving Entries :
    Each artist is responsible for retrieving their artwork from the Cross Building, 111 Sewall Street, Augusta, ME 04330 from October 27th through October 31st, 2025 between 9:00am - 5:00pm. No work is to be removed prior to the end of the exhibition. Neither the State of Maine nor the National Arts Program will be responsible for unclaimed works.

Register Now

Don't miss this chance to be recognized for your creativity!

Sponsored by the National Arts Program in support and cooperation with the Maine Arts Commission, this exhibit is judged by professionals and is free to all. Selected works will be on display in the Burton M. Cross Office Building (second floor) Monday - Friday from 9am – 5pm.

For more information and how to register, visit https://nationalartsprogram.org/maine