Art in the Capitol - Veterans Show
The Maine Arts Commission is proud to present an exhibition of work on loan from the American Veterans Arts and Crafts Gallery (AVACG). These art works are all created by Veteran Maine artists. A majority of the work can be viewed throughout the Capitol Complex with a majority hanging in the Burton M. Cross Building. This show will be on display through November 2016.
The AVACG is primarily an online gallery that serves to celebrate veteran by showcasing their art or crafts to the public and helping to promote independent Veteran Artists. Managed by James Emerson of Hudson Maine, it is comprised of a group of Veterans, of all branches, brought together by a love of art. AVACG organizes shows all year round in many venues across Maine with each artwork on display hand made in the USA by an American veteran. For many of them, this is their only form of income as they face debilitating disabilities.
The Maine Arts Commission and the AVACG want to recognize their service, showcase their art or craft and encourage them to pursue their passion. The AVACG wants every veteran to feel that he or she has a place to promote their art, no matter their skill level or their passion. Please take the time to read the wall labels accompanying the work to learn more about these talented and dedicated individuals.
Last year legislation was passed designating every November 1st as Veterans in the Arts and Humanities Appreciation Day in Maine and the Maine Arts Commission is happy to be a part of that celebration.
The AVACG asks that you show your support for those that have served by purchasing and displaying their art!
You can also like them on Facebook: American Veterans Arts and Crafts Gallery
For more information on the AVACG, please visit: veteransartsandcrafts.com